03-14-2012, 06:01 AM
(03-13-2012, 06:29 PM)Lulu Wrote: awww thanks. And yes, indeed I have been fairly moderated already a few times. ;-)
Lol!! Well, tell him that you like Burning Man, and maybe he will go easier on you next time. ; )
Lulu Wrote:Thanks for the quote, which I like. How could would I apply that to these experiences when they happen do you think?
Something does feel distorted. This morning when it happened for perhaps the first time ever I felt really angry about it! I had been in such a pleasing state for many many hours.
Meditation, contemplation and prayers; or whatever of spiritual nature that you find suitable. This is my advice. Also Confederation entities are quite nagging about this whole meditation thing. ; )
I found this "there is no greater magic than an honest distortion towards love" to be a very helpful exercise in moments when it's too much, when it feels like you are drowning in catalysts and negativity and negative energies. What I found helpful in these situations is to: become aware. Stop your thoughts and focus your attention in the present moment. Then ask yourself: "Do I want to feel that way?" Wait for the answer. For me the usual answer is "No. I want to feel love." This desire for love came to me from the spirit in one meditation. It was pure, clear and uninfected. There was no doubt about it. So when it's too much, I try to bring that spiritual desire into the current space/time moment. It is not always possible to do the work in consciousness by meditation/contemplation, as third density is a busy and noisy one. So when it's not possible, then I find this exercise to be helpful. In this exercise you also work with your *will*. My understanding is that by using this exercise, or method, you strengthen your will.
Lulu Wrote:Sometimes it seems as if I'm feeling their "lies" and lack of truth.
In meditation/contemplation, find these feelings inside yourself, and then accept them in your self. Love them and forgive yourself for feeling this way. Love yourself. Then, when seeing them in others, accept these in them, and try to find love for them despite their shortcomings. We are one, and trying our best. Forgive yourself and others for learning all these lessons, as they are difficult.
If you would like help/protection during these meditations/contemplations ask your Higher Self and/or guidance system for that help. I used to address my Higher Self before meditations with words like: "Oh the Great Spirit which I am a little part of (this indicates/refers also to One Infinite Creator; you can change these words into whatever that suits you), I am thanking you for all the gifts and experiences and your services. I would like to have help with..... Thank you. Adonai/whatever resonates." The answer *may* come instantly, in that very meditation, or it may be a little while before you receive it. Be attentive.
Lulu Wrote:Whatever it is, it's very distracting and even somewhat disabling to my otherwise natural state plus it's seems to have no real purpose and is entirely unappreciated.
I would like to find a solution so that I understand it and then I can adjust so that I no longer experience it.
"Solution" to this, in my experience, is understanding. Understanding of the self, and then others. Finding that which is annoying and distracting in the self, and accepting it, and finding love for that which is of negative nature. Then looking at others, and see this in them, and accepting it, finding love for that. You don't have to teach or tell them, if unasked. It's enough that you find full acceptance and love for what you see in others, as it is also in you. Others are mirrors, and each has its own path to walk. When you manage to find full acceptance and love of what annoys you in others, you will no longer feel this crippling negativity, but feel love. I am telling you how I work. It might not be suitable for you. You just need to find a method which resonates with you. Doesn't matter which one it is, as long as it works, right? /