03-10-2012, 05:32 PM
In other threads I have heard as defense of STS that they choose to see themselves in the eyes of the offender. Or that they choose to see the offender as the Creator. I have also read where they say they would not interefere because it would be infringing upon the offender free will.
So as Moneky will not answqer those questions for me, and Ankh has. I ask her:
If you answer no tio the questions above, and realize that you must draw a line, than do you acknowledge that there are serious extremes taken on the STS path that can be dangerous and inhumane? And if so would you now warn people of that danger out of concern for them?
Do you admit that there are people who choose that path that do terrible things to our fellow humans out of greed, selfishness and pure perversion? Can you admit that those extremes are things that you would judge as horrible and inhumane? Do you acknowledge that the STS path can lead to extremes that you would never want to experience yourself, and would certainly not justify or condone if doen by soemone else?
I am not trying to corner anyone here. I am trying to understand the problem that this forum seems to have in discussing this topic, and why some here seem to evade the issue, or discuss it as though it is not a problem to humanity.
So as Moneky will not answqer those questions for me, and Ankh has. I ask her:
If you answer no tio the questions above, and realize that you must draw a line, than do you acknowledge that there are serious extremes taken on the STS path that can be dangerous and inhumane? And if so would you now warn people of that danger out of concern for them?
Do you admit that there are people who choose that path that do terrible things to our fellow humans out of greed, selfishness and pure perversion? Can you admit that those extremes are things that you would judge as horrible and inhumane? Do you acknowledge that the STS path can lead to extremes that you would never want to experience yourself, and would certainly not justify or condone if doen by soemone else?
I am not trying to corner anyone here. I am trying to understand the problem that this forum seems to have in discussing this topic, and why some here seem to evade the issue, or discuss it as though it is not a problem to humanity.