03-08-2012, 01:24 AM
if I may say so, you may have issues of OVERIDENTIFICATION.
I first noticed this when you related some of your past lives in Gemini Wolf's thread (not Monica's).
you seemed to have lived as many 'famous people'.
I think this 'porous' nature of experience is a common thing in people with high degrees of empathy.
I often get it myself.
I may have described it previously as getting my 'tunings stuck' after having an encounter/conversation/reading of that individual. I have taken care to 'detune' these days after experiences on the forum or real life.
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David Wilcock, when he was doing dream readings as a living in his 20's had issues because he could no longer clearly see the boundaries between himself and his clients - by dreaming FOR his clients, he was essentially becoming them.
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yes, you are the Creator, yes you have all Infinite Potentials indwelling. Yes, you have had many previous incarnations, and yes, their resonance holds sway even today.
yes to all these things that come to influence the YOU in the now.
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but much like an actor who comes off stage or off screen, there is a personality beyond that which is played for the moment.
I first noticed this when you related some of your past lives in Gemini Wolf's thread (not Monica's).
you seemed to have lived as many 'famous people'.
I think this 'porous' nature of experience is a common thing in people with high degrees of empathy.
I often get it myself.
I may have described it previously as getting my 'tunings stuck' after having an encounter/conversation/reading of that individual. I have taken care to 'detune' these days after experiences on the forum or real life.
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David Wilcock, when he was doing dream readings as a living in his 20's had issues because he could no longer clearly see the boundaries between himself and his clients - by dreaming FOR his clients, he was essentially becoming them.
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yes, you are the Creator, yes you have all Infinite Potentials indwelling. Yes, you have had many previous incarnations, and yes, their resonance holds sway even today.
yes to all these things that come to influence the YOU in the now.
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but much like an actor who comes off stage or off screen, there is a personality beyond that which is played for the moment.