03-05-2012, 05:57 PM
(03-05-2012, 05:06 PM)Zaxon Wrote: Lulu,
I would concede that she is emotionally stunted. She is an emotional somewhat childish woman, who at 60 reminds me of an adolescent. But to be fair, there are very few people of any age, that I do not find somewhat childish.
Yes, you strike me as strongly "F." Being 100% "T" I understand emotions and their uses, but they are only felt in a muted peripheral way. They bare significance to me only when they are useful, or help me achieve a more perfect understanding of something or someone.
Yes well in protecting ourselves we are a rather emotionally stunted world of humans (?) aren't we?
My parents were both in the Netherlands during the WWII occupation at the tender ages of adolescence. This greatly affected my mother.
I knew she was emotionally stunted so I could have understanding for her actions and behaviors and not take anything personally. However during part of my awakening I was forced (through polarization) to find and feel my own personal emotions regarding these blocked parts of my past. I had to feel the sadness and emotions regarding the fact that I did not "feel" Loved by her. Though I had intellectualized and understood this and why, I had to re-live and "feel the emotions" to allow back that part of my soul.
The Orion group is a part of what seems to me to have come about later as evolving or recreating themselves as the Arcturian's. Do you know them? The way you understand emotions is identical to how they felt to me upon a visit. From the emptiness emotionally that I could feel while there, they don't use or value emotions though they do understand them intellectually. They control any emotional aspect that arises in themselves. Their highest use and value is applying information, reasoning and logic to create greater intelligence. They are aware and controlling in a wise way of how they affect others and their planet. They seem to have created many silent practical rules around what is expected for a synchronicity in peaceful behavior as a society. They are emotionally distant and cold, extremely wise, very disciplined, calculated and shrewd, diplomatic rather then kindly. They are technologically advanced including replicators. The children are well academized. The woman who interacted with me was androgynous feeling to me. I'm not sure how they breed and I don't think they enjoy sexual interaction. Perhaps they found a way to bypass it. I think they have spent a considerable amount of time "dissecting" emotions (?).
Feeling emotions would leave them feeling terribly vulnerable I would imagine. Something they would avoid at all costs in self-protection.
So you intuit blocks of emotions but you don't FEEL them in others correct? A version of that in a deep distortion such as repression of expression of love and so the need to control someone in keeping them in love with them is referred to as a socio-path. I got to learn all about that word on my "awakening" too.