03-05-2012, 08:22 AM
I always feel a little invasive when I attempt to interject into an ongoing conversation, so pardon the intrusion Zaxon and Lulu.
Intuition is a vital part of a person's ability to follow a path, but actual growth and evolution will depend more on the ability to reject what one thought they knew for new understandings when they appear. Otherwise one is always a teacher and never a student.
The way that many here seem to view STS and STO concerns me in that they totally disregard Ra's clear warning that, when the shift into next density occurs, those of STS distortion will begin their next existence in a world that is populated solely by those of STS orientation. Can I impose upon what you think to be the Way, long enough to get you to consider what that means? And then maybe we can discuss STS and STO from another angle that will help to cause you to think differently. In that existence there will no longer be the opportunity to serve others, as all will be in STS. Will that be satisfactory and acceptable to you?
I also do not think that you understand that STO and STS is not polarization. It is simply a choice one makes. Distortion is not polarization. It is vibration that develops as a result of the choices we make which can be found in both STS and STO.
The Orion faction is not polarized toward STS, they are oriented toward STS. Their distortion is STS oriented.
We are all polarized in such a way that we mimick the universe around us. The source of polarization is not rooted in choosing to be either STS or STO oriented as you seem to be making it sound.
Now to get back to your orientation of STS, may I ask you if you can see that when Ra speaks of the actions of the Orion, Ra is is not condoning anything that they have done, but is rather just pointing out the reality of it?
Many continue to suggest that STS is merely a matter of understanding one's self and, in that servicing, development and understanding comes. This is not accurate, I do not see where this is what Ra teaches, and if it is what Ra teaches, than Ra is mistaken in so doing.
Service to self is selfishness and greed. It is a complete disregard for the state of the All and the One. STS is the gratification of the artificial, as though it is of some importance, when in fact it is the illusion which you mentioned.
Polarization is not the illusion. Polarization is the natural state of creation. The illusion is to believe that one is separate from that state in an individual manner. We are not. We are polarized, but never individual. We are polarized by our natural state of being, which is as a fragment of the One Consciousness, and an aspect of this One creation, which is in a polarized state. We do not become polarized by choosing STO or STS. Those are nothing more than choices we make as polarized beings.
We have the choice to express love and compassion toward others and to seek a new world where all can live in harmony with each other, OR we can choose to gratify ourselves in STS alone, in ignorance of others and unconcerned with the plight of our humanity for the sake of individuality.
Yes, it is true that one can still ascend into higher dimensions in STS, but it will be on a very different and much slower path, as a very different distortion, and will separate you from those in STO in the near future. You will become like those of Orion. This is simple choice.
If one chooses to service thyself, to experience what you might gain for the self in that experience, you are working to provide for an illusion, an artificial reality that cannot benefit except to learn that it is an illusion. This does benefit in this way, but at the cost of altering your distortion toward STS, which both slows down your ascendance and risks being trapped in STS if the shift occurs. Becoming aware of the illusion of self through STO is a much safer and more productive path.
In short experiencing STS for the sake of identifying your true self, is the same as beating your head on the wall to find out it hurts. Because what you discover in STS if successful, is that the self that you are trying to gratify is temporary and reincarnating, again and again, when it doesn't have to. There is a way out of that darkness if you would walk in the right direction and forget STS. And everytime one treads on the path of STS one also takes the great risk involved.
Love for one's self is an illusion because one's true self is those others that one ignores in service to self. However, love for others does not deny the self, because the self is those who you are loving.
Intuition is a vital part of a person's ability to follow a path, but actual growth and evolution will depend more on the ability to reject what one thought they knew for new understandings when they appear. Otherwise one is always a teacher and never a student.
The way that many here seem to view STS and STO concerns me in that they totally disregard Ra's clear warning that, when the shift into next density occurs, those of STS distortion will begin their next existence in a world that is populated solely by those of STS orientation. Can I impose upon what you think to be the Way, long enough to get you to consider what that means? And then maybe we can discuss STS and STO from another angle that will help to cause you to think differently. In that existence there will no longer be the opportunity to serve others, as all will be in STS. Will that be satisfactory and acceptable to you?
I also do not think that you understand that STO and STS is not polarization. It is simply a choice one makes. Distortion is not polarization. It is vibration that develops as a result of the choices we make which can be found in both STS and STO.
The Orion faction is not polarized toward STS, they are oriented toward STS. Their distortion is STS oriented.
We are all polarized in such a way that we mimick the universe around us. The source of polarization is not rooted in choosing to be either STS or STO oriented as you seem to be making it sound.
Now to get back to your orientation of STS, may I ask you if you can see that when Ra speaks of the actions of the Orion, Ra is is not condoning anything that they have done, but is rather just pointing out the reality of it?
Many continue to suggest that STS is merely a matter of understanding one's self and, in that servicing, development and understanding comes. This is not accurate, I do not see where this is what Ra teaches, and if it is what Ra teaches, than Ra is mistaken in so doing.
Service to self is selfishness and greed. It is a complete disregard for the state of the All and the One. STS is the gratification of the artificial, as though it is of some importance, when in fact it is the illusion which you mentioned.
Polarization is not the illusion. Polarization is the natural state of creation. The illusion is to believe that one is separate from that state in an individual manner. We are not. We are polarized, but never individual. We are polarized by our natural state of being, which is as a fragment of the One Consciousness, and an aspect of this One creation, which is in a polarized state. We do not become polarized by choosing STO or STS. Those are nothing more than choices we make as polarized beings.
We have the choice to express love and compassion toward others and to seek a new world where all can live in harmony with each other, OR we can choose to gratify ourselves in STS alone, in ignorance of others and unconcerned with the plight of our humanity for the sake of individuality.
Yes, it is true that one can still ascend into higher dimensions in STS, but it will be on a very different and much slower path, as a very different distortion, and will separate you from those in STO in the near future. You will become like those of Orion. This is simple choice.
If one chooses to service thyself, to experience what you might gain for the self in that experience, you are working to provide for an illusion, an artificial reality that cannot benefit except to learn that it is an illusion. This does benefit in this way, but at the cost of altering your distortion toward STS, which both slows down your ascendance and risks being trapped in STS if the shift occurs. Becoming aware of the illusion of self through STO is a much safer and more productive path.
In short experiencing STS for the sake of identifying your true self, is the same as beating your head on the wall to find out it hurts. Because what you discover in STS if successful, is that the self that you are trying to gratify is temporary and reincarnating, again and again, when it doesn't have to. There is a way out of that darkness if you would walk in the right direction and forget STS. And everytime one treads on the path of STS one also takes the great risk involved.
Love for one's self is an illusion because one's true self is those others that one ignores in service to self. However, love for others does not deny the self, because the self is those who you are loving.