03-03-2012, 08:48 PM
wow , so it has been about 2 years since this post..
some good advice here
i will start with some quotes form the forum users
a simple way
Embrace the "addictions" and "perversions" . No need to worry about "social norms/morality" ,for they are just an illusion that creates smaller illusions , which are then used to control you.(stimulate positive and negative emotions etc)
continue to view and seek the pleasure that troubles your very being. Though when you partake , take time to forgive and accept yourself during the act. Show a deep love for not only yourself,but those that you are focusing on.
Rejoice ,and give great thanks those viewed, and to the creator. Soon enough my friend , you will be reunited with your hearts true desires,and be on your way to equilibrium.
Those things that you sought ,will have served their purpose, and all that was deeply troubling you, will begin to fade away.
So long as you continue to look at the past with forgiveness and acceptance you will see that there was never a "problem" only a learning/growing & understanding .
hopefully,one day, you will be able to pursue the relationships you always truly desired.
this is just one possible way in a multitude of ways.
The idea behind this "technique" is that, if you are masturbating, and feeling guilty/detached at the same time , you are creating an imbalance/blockages in the sacral and solar. If you are masturbating for the intended purpose of expressing and understanding sexual joy , then you power the sacral and solar , which ,once clear , will leave the pathways open for heightened orgasim.
People have mentioned that you can take action on the type of pornography you are viewing. Just like someone might purchase something that is "eco friendly" you can view pornography that might be much less of a burden to you, and possibly more "innocent". This is up to your own discernment , and i only URGE you not to be quick to judge yourself in what you view. If something does not resonate so much with you anymore , just understand why , and continue with what does. Also slowly try to "lighten" the amount of porn you might watch in a day.
This, in conjunction with clearing your chakras, will also help you reconnect with your creative/visualisation abilities, that "excessive" viewing of pornography can take away from you.
Lastly ,if you follow any qi gong or Taoist teachings , you will find that excessive masturbation (with ejaculation) can lead to loss of overall energy(qi) and most importantly destruction of the adrenal glands, which are a major player in regulation of your hormones.
So for a male , this would cause poor stress response followed up by lowered testosterone levels(and vitality).
there are many ways to repair this .. most that i am aware of consist of certain types of exercises(physical and mental) , followed by important herbs (adapotgens), and diet.
some good advice here
i will start with some quotes form the forum users
(03-02-2010, 05:12 PM)ayadew Wrote: There is magic in sex. A great mystery and much power.
(03-02-2010, 06:09 PM)fairyfarmgirl Wrote: Enjoy connecting with others in a way that is healthy and responsible. There is no wrong or right--- only isness and experience... Learn from your experiences. If something is not for you... simply choose again. Pull cords when necessary with love and firm gentleness. Every experience is challenge by choice... if you do not wish to do not do.
(03-03-2010, 04:34 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: To paraphrase Q'uo? I think said this, "Do not mistake please for happiness". This struck me lately as being relevant to the sexual relationships of many.
(03-03-2010, 12:10 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I don't think I ever would have minded a boyfriend masturbating when I wasn't around to pleasure him. It was the use of the porn that bothered me. In my view, he was introducing another element, 2-dimensional people, into what I saw as an intimate relationship between us. Because I did feel love for him, my heart chakra was open. I felt that his use of porn (and going to strip clubs) was somehow taking advantage of my openness and robbing my energy. It felt like a violation. I would not have felt that way had he just masturbated but without props.
(11-10-2010, 03:17 PM)unity100 Wrote: in the first case, ie, catching up or getting affected by the desires and thought patterns that fly around in societal mind, the entity would need to be affiliated with them until s/he is sufficiently balanced in order not to be affected by them. tho, if situation changes (ie any kind of serious change in lifestyle, environment etc that affects energy patterns, psyche, or balance) the entity may again get affected. this is probably the kind of situation which causes detached interest in various acts. ie, you know that deep down inside you dont want something, but there is some kind of 'pressure' on you that causes you to 'want' it.
in the second case, it is entity's own inner desire and needs. entity will participate in any act desired as such wholeheartedly. and eventually (probably) will balance out and after a while wont need that kind of energy exchange anymore.
these are especially valid and real for 6d entities or any entity able to work with 6th ray. that density is of oneness, unison. and due to their native environment, these entities have a tendency to take everything from that ray's qualities. sex, is unifying for example. acting in unison. inevitably, these entities may readily feel as if someone else's own desires like their own desires, due to the qualities of this ray. and at times, even if the entity himself/herself knows that deep inside, s/he is not interested in some particular sexual act/exchange, the fixation and obsession or desire of another entity for that may be so high that, it could directly effect the entity as a solid feeling, even if the entity is aware of what is happening. because, in 6th ray, anyone's feelings are felt as one's own.
since in 3d environment (especially this place, which still has strong orange undertones - which also carries possession elements or irreverence/obliviousness to others' existence) 3d entities' (or 3d entities functioning with 2d conscious) fixation and obsession on their desire may be a one way street, because there is no feedback from the 6th ray entity. had there been any feedback, the 6th ray entity's irrelevance to that desire could act as a mitigator, a balancer. but, in this case its a one way street; a 3d entity constantly and automatically broadcasting a desire strongly, oblivious to any others' feelings just like a radio transmitter.
a simple way
Embrace the "addictions" and "perversions" . No need to worry about "social norms/morality" ,for they are just an illusion that creates smaller illusions , which are then used to control you.(stimulate positive and negative emotions etc)
continue to view and seek the pleasure that troubles your very being. Though when you partake , take time to forgive and accept yourself during the act. Show a deep love for not only yourself,but those that you are focusing on.
Rejoice ,and give great thanks those viewed, and to the creator. Soon enough my friend , you will be reunited with your hearts true desires,and be on your way to equilibrium.
Those things that you sought ,will have served their purpose, and all that was deeply troubling you, will begin to fade away.
So long as you continue to look at the past with forgiveness and acceptance you will see that there was never a "problem" only a learning/growing & understanding .
hopefully,one day, you will be able to pursue the relationships you always truly desired.
this is just one possible way in a multitude of ways.
The idea behind this "technique" is that, if you are masturbating, and feeling guilty/detached at the same time , you are creating an imbalance/blockages in the sacral and solar. If you are masturbating for the intended purpose of expressing and understanding sexual joy , then you power the sacral and solar , which ,once clear , will leave the pathways open for heightened orgasim.
People have mentioned that you can take action on the type of pornography you are viewing. Just like someone might purchase something that is "eco friendly" you can view pornography that might be much less of a burden to you, and possibly more "innocent". This is up to your own discernment , and i only URGE you not to be quick to judge yourself in what you view. If something does not resonate so much with you anymore , just understand why , and continue with what does. Also slowly try to "lighten" the amount of porn you might watch in a day.
This, in conjunction with clearing your chakras, will also help you reconnect with your creative/visualisation abilities, that "excessive" viewing of pornography can take away from you.
Lastly ,if you follow any qi gong or Taoist teachings , you will find that excessive masturbation (with ejaculation) can lead to loss of overall energy(qi) and most importantly destruction of the adrenal glands, which are a major player in regulation of your hormones.
So for a male , this would cause poor stress response followed up by lowered testosterone levels(and vitality).
there are many ways to repair this .. most that i am aware of consist of certain types of exercises(physical and mental) , followed by important herbs (adapotgens), and diet.