03-01-2012, 09:45 AM
(02-21-2012, 01:56 AM)Oceania Wrote: twin flames are NOT soul mates. soul mate is a person of one incarnation. twin flames, when meeting, can be amazing, they can be difficult.
Oceania has revealed the misnomer.
Let us realize that we are not this present identity of temporary flesh. This is a temporary incarnation and any mate within it will not be related to our next life's experience, or previous; although that is not impossible.
We are ancient. We are consciousness, not bound to flesh. It is not logical to suggest that there is another consciousness that is somehow attached to our own lengthy experiences of thousands or millions of years. Would that not infringe upon the free will and choice of such a consciousness; to be somehow affixed to the experience that I create? I would not want to be such a being; to have to follow the exploits of another being throughout all of existence dependent on their experience.
No my friends, our soul mates are unlimited and share with us in such intimate ways that in the sharing we create this universe and all that resides within it. How could some twin soul be any more intimate than that which we have already shared with so many other fields of consciousness?
I believe the term soulmate originates in teachings that have long been corrupted, as are many teachings, and I believe it refers to what the Torah speaks of as the shadow that is born with a person.
(Psalms 39:7).
"When [the body] issues forth into the world this shadow is immediately present with it and participates with it, and they grow together. This is as said: "Surely every man walks in his shadow" All the days of the life of a person are present in this shadow."
There many legends which refer to this shadow that accompanies a person through each incarnation. Many modern teachings refer to it as our guardian angel. Of course these teachings are, as I said, perverted and corrupted by years of misinterpretation.