02-29-2012, 09:53 AM
My approach is to become aware of where and when I'm not congruent with events, situations, thoughts, feelings. Then find out why, then acknowledge it. That tends to remove the unnecessary distortion which maintained imbalance.
The m/b/s is constantly providing info on what aspects of self are not balanced. To make this info more apparent, I focus intent on the distortion with imagination as a stage, where components of the distortion are depicted in symbol, metaphor and allegory. As with dream imagery, the form of the symbols range from abstract or synthetic ques to something like a realistic, coherent drama. Sometimes the work involves just finding out why or to get an overview, and sometimes it involves direct participation where your 'role' is to make changes to the symbols themselves.
The m/b/s is constantly providing info on what aspects of self are not balanced. To make this info more apparent, I focus intent on the distortion with imagination as a stage, where components of the distortion are depicted in symbol, metaphor and allegory. As with dream imagery, the form of the symbols range from abstract or synthetic ques to something like a realistic, coherent drama. Sometimes the work involves just finding out why or to get an overview, and sometimes it involves direct participation where your 'role' is to make changes to the symbols themselves.