02-29-2012, 09:44 AM
Hi Ali,
I am personally not familiar with the use of a pendulum, but it was recommended to me yesterday, so I suppose that's a SIGN in itself
but I do believe that we come equipped with certain Guidance Systems that almost cannot be disabled, even if we are really badly distorted. If the Intent is for true Self-Knowledge, then the Question will receive an accurate answer from the deep self.
I am still working through the process myself.
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I am personally not familiar with the use of a pendulum, but it was recommended to me yesterday, so I suppose that's a SIGN in itself
but I do believe that we come equipped with certain Guidance Systems that almost cannot be disabled, even if we are really badly distorted. If the Intent is for true Self-Knowledge, then the Question will receive an accurate answer from the deep self.
I am still working through the process myself.
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