02-28-2012, 08:52 AM
Quote:women have a sacred responsibility to help guide men from mere lust (lower chakras only) to the spiritual expression of sexuality (communion on the higher chakras also).I think I misunderstand you. Because from our private communications I understand you to have a husband who is a gentleman and not some sexual predator whom you trained to inhibit his natural behaviors!
What you seem to express here however, is often expressed by our civilisation. Girls are sugar spice and everything nice. While boys are slime snails and puppy dog tails.
These however are the same beliefs as "women should not think too hard or they'll hurt their brains"... And "women have a sacred duty to always be subservient to their men".
There was a revolution in the 60's that taught everyone that girls are equal to boys and that all those sexists beliefs are inappropriate. Maybe we need another revolution?
Men are on the whole reliable responsible providers and caretakers. They are perfectly able to deal with and express their emotions. They just do it differently from girls.
I submit that we are equals.. I suggest that the male psyche is poorly understood by most women, and for that matter by most men. Thanks to the sexual revolutions the public image of women is now far closer to what women truly are. But for men we're still troubled by misconceptions.
The whole orgasm fiasco is really only an extention of this problem. Women are perfectly able to achieve orgasm every single time, providing that some conditions are met.