Aloha Shin'Ar!!
I just thought I'd start with a simple Hawaiian meditation.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
Thanks very much for your reply. I feel like I'm beginning to understand you better, and appreciate your insights.
I don't think such a quote exists and I don't think that Ra was teaching that STS was a good thing nor better than service to others. I apologize that I have not explained my understanding well to you. This fault is mine, not yours. May I please elaborate further on what I said earlier so it will hopefully make more sense?
In this quote, I think the most important part is "to a certain point." Basically they taught that one can advance spiritually down the negative, STS, path, but not indefinitely. That it is a valid path, yes, but only to the point of mid 6th density. Because the STS path is essentially an illusion and a severe distortion/contradiction of fundamental reality, an entity wishing to progress further is forced to reverse polarity and turn towards the positive. There is no such problem with the STO orientation. The STS "option", if you will, simply ceases to be available beyond early to mid 6th density.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to imply that I felt Ra was teaching the equality of the paths, in the ultimate sense, but only in a 3D context. I believe Ra has openly stated that they are biased towards the positive orientation and also mentioned that STO was a far more efficient path. As in, progression is more difficult via STS means, and only has a finite distance where it is valid.
I certainly can't speak for Ra, but only my understanding of them. But as I understand it, in the 3rd density we find ourselves in now, they were teaching that one can make just as much progress, and indeed even graduate into the next density of experience by following EITHER the positive OR the negative path, STS or STO. But they never made a secret of which polarity they preferred and encouraged. They did, however, honor the freewill of all beings to evolve (or not) according to their chosen path. There was just a recognition that in 3rd through mid-6th density, you can advance via Good *or* Evil. But that again, only works up until a certain point. Eventually the unity of the All cannot be denied and the STS path no longer carries you forward. Thus of course STO would be the better option, for this and many other reasons.
I do not like the dark, and it is not the path I choose. Yet I must respect it, even as it must respect Me and the Light that I love so much.
As I understand it, Ra taught that even those dark ones that choose the STS option in 3D are still giving unique experience to the Creator, and also providing catalyst and choices for other 3D beings. In this way, even they serve. Do I choose this? No. Do I think their actions are appropriate, efficient, or even acceptable to me? No! But I recognize the grand dance of polarity and duality and see how even they serve the All.
I sincerely hope I've clarified my interpretation above.
I agree with you here 100%. I shudder at the thought of graduating into 4D negative. That's not the kind of world I'd be comfortable living in and is exactly the sort of "next level" that those pursing the STS path with sufficient intensity to graduate will incarnate into. I see no contradiction here about what you write -- I honestly believe this to be congruent with my understanding of how Ra has described the negative path and its relative inefficiency.
Do you think that if I added "at a certain level of abstraction" there my perspective would have been clearer? I did not mean to confuse, honestly.
You see, I really don't find the two sentences to be mutually exclusive. Both paths can be valid in our present condition, while one of them ultimately leads to a dead end. Maybe there are two roads from Toronto to Vancouver, but one of them is only drivable halfway and has a slower speed limit? That's like the negative path. It's perfectly possible to travel a great distance down that path. But it won't get you to your ultimate destination. Eventually you'll have to pull over and get on the other highway that goes all the way to Vancouver.
I believe that the STO path better serves the All, there is no doubt in my mind. But I would say that, wouldn't I, being that I've chosen STO?
Amigo, I hope that makes more sense now. Sometimes I know my clarity of expression can be lacking.
Well, only you could tell us what is the case here, as only you can know for sure. But I will clarify my perception, because I really didn't mean to imply you were a member of this hippy group. My belief is that you are a member of a group founded by Jon Peniel that is based on his (Jon's) Teachings or at least an independent Follower of his Teachings. Because of this supposition, I have shared with you a piece of information that I did not seek, but yet I feel would be very relevant to a person such as yourself who is building their spiritual framework upon the work of Jon Peniel. And that piece of information is simply that many, many of his teachings actually come from this "hippy group", Father Yod and his Source Family. And that as a result, there is at least some deliberate falsehood in those Teachings, with extent unknown.
If none of this matters to you, then that's perfectly acceptable. It is your Path, brother, and your incarnation to do with as you see fit. If your source is helping you and you are satisfied, then by all means keep your course.
But speaking only for myself, if some equivalent information regarding the Ra material existed, then I would absolutely want to know about it. It doesn't mean I would abandon the teachings, but I would want to know and it would perhaps prompt me to re-examine my belief system, which may or may not result in changes in my thinking.
I hope what I wrote above clarifies this point about why I shared that with you. I thought I recognized the truth of some of what Jon Peniel aka Zoroaster taught in my post. Not all of it, no, but his teachings do contain truth.
I am suggesting only that perhaps this source of truth contains an equal amount of, or perhaps more distortion than the Ra material. But if the Teachings resonate with you perfectly and you are happy with what you are doing, then there's no reason to change that. We each walk our own Path and what is right for one is not right for another.
But this forum is indeed dedicated to the study of a particular source of information, so you may find a majority bias towards a frame work of the Law of One as shared by L/L Research.
No, I have not, could you please point it out to me?

Yes, indeed. gathered bread crumbs from sources spanning many distortions and never look back to see how they were packaged.
I do the same, as do many, many people on this forum. But if I were compiling all of my understandings of spiritual topics gathered from many, many sources into one neat book for future seekers. Such as Jon Peniel has done. I would not do it by telling the seeker that this came from an ancient order of Tibetan monks in a magical land where I trained in secret in special and hidden knowledge from a mysterious Order of Keepers Of Knowledge.
I would instead present it as helpful spiritual information, the Truth as I understood it, and let the information stand on its own. That's exactly what L/L Research did with the Ra Material. I honestly feel that I would go about it in the same way were I in a similar situation. I would not choose to make up any stories.
Jon Peniel chose a different approach, that's all. That's really the only issue I have with deception in this context. It's not resonant with my understanding nor my approach. I do not hate deception, but I honor truth. But if this approach makes sense to you and your group, you have just as much free will as I do. Do as ye will, brother, it's your incarnation. And please enjoy the ride!
I would only suggest trying to be open to learning from the community here and the source material, the Law of One. It may be that there's at least some small thing, some new perspective or morsel in the material that would be of benefit. Or maybe it would only strengthen your existing convictions? Maybe as you understand it more, you'll be able to translate the contents of your Children of the Law of One philosophy into words we can all more easily understand, because you will know our background.
Either way, however it turns out, we all win!
Equally brother, I wish you all the same.
Love to all
I just thought I'd start with a simple Hawaiian meditation.
I love you.

I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

Thanks very much for your reply. I feel like I'm beginning to understand you better, and appreciate your insights.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: So I would have to ask for a reference that specifically quotes Ra saying that service to self is a good thing, and better than service to others."
I don't think such a quote exists and I don't think that Ra was teaching that STS was a good thing nor better than service to others. I apologize that I have not explained my understanding well to you. This fault is mine, not yours. May I please elaborate further on what I said earlier so it will hopefully make more sense?
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: And I will disagree with you wholeheartedly where you said ,
(02-25-2012, 12:55 PM)Pablísimo Wrote: "I'm perplexed by your return to this topic again and again. The Law of One as given by Ra teaches much the same thing. STS is a valid path to the creator, to a certain point.
In this quote, I think the most important part is "to a certain point." Basically they taught that one can advance spiritually down the negative, STS, path, but not indefinitely. That it is a valid path, yes, but only to the point of mid 6th density. Because the STS path is essentially an illusion and a severe distortion/contradiction of fundamental reality, an entity wishing to progress further is forced to reverse polarity and turn towards the positive. There is no such problem with the STO orientation. The STS "option", if you will, simply ceases to be available beyond early to mid 6th density.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to imply that I felt Ra was teaching the equality of the paths, in the ultimate sense, but only in a 3D context. I believe Ra has openly stated that they are biased towards the positive orientation and also mentioned that STO was a far more efficient path. As in, progression is more difficult via STS means, and only has a finite distance where it is valid.
I certainly can't speak for Ra, but only my understanding of them. But as I understand it, in the 3rd density we find ourselves in now, they were teaching that one can make just as much progress, and indeed even graduate into the next density of experience by following EITHER the positive OR the negative path, STS or STO. But they never made a secret of which polarity they preferred and encouraged. They did, however, honor the freewill of all beings to evolve (or not) according to their chosen path. There was just a recognition that in 3rd through mid-6th density, you can advance via Good *or* Evil. But that again, only works up until a certain point. Eventually the unity of the All cannot be denied and the STS path no longer carries you forward. Thus of course STO would be the better option, for this and many other reasons.
(02-25-2012, 12:55 PM)Pablísimo Wrote: And since we are One, to serve the Self is to Serve All. STS is service to others, in a sense, it's just heavily distorted. There is no contradiction to what you're saying here that I've found in the Ra Material."
I do not like the dark, and it is not the path I choose. Yet I must respect it, even as it must respect Me and the Light that I love so much.
As I understand it, Ra taught that even those dark ones that choose the STS option in 3D are still giving unique experience to the Creator, and also providing catalyst and choices for other 3D beings. In this way, even they serve. Do I choose this? No. Do I think their actions are appropriate, efficient, or even acceptable to me? No! But I recognize the grand dance of polarity and duality and see how even they serve the All.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Again what Ra says is that STO is the same as service to self because the sefl is the All, but that does not work with STS....
You must recheck your interpretation of that I assure you.
I sincerely hope I've clarified my interpretation above.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: However those who believe that STS is somehow the path they want to walk, have that choice. Yes, they will still evolve into higher awareness and being, but it will be at a far slower pace, and it will result in their being harvested into a world filled with those who seek only to serve theirselves. There is great risk in seeking that path.
I agree with you here 100%. I shudder at the thought of graduating into 4D negative. That's not the kind of world I'd be comfortable living in and is exactly the sort of "next level" that those pursing the STS path with sufficient intensity to graduate will incarnate into. I see no contradiction here about what you write -- I honestly believe this to be congruent with my understanding of how Ra has described the negative path and its relative inefficiency.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: What you have said here about STS being the same as serving the All is as wrong as anyone can be. Please reconsider the teachings very carefully. Service to self may affect the All, but it is not as beneficial to the All as is STO.
Do you think that if I added "at a certain level of abstraction" there my perspective would have been clearer? I did not mean to confuse, honestly.
You see, I really don't find the two sentences to be mutually exclusive. Both paths can be valid in our present condition, while one of them ultimately leads to a dead end. Maybe there are two roads from Toronto to Vancouver, but one of them is only drivable halfway and has a slower speed limit? That's like the negative path. It's perfectly possible to travel a great distance down that path. But it won't get you to your ultimate destination. Eventually you'll have to pull over and get on the other highway that goes all the way to Vancouver.
I believe that the STO path better serves the All, there is no doubt in my mind. But I would say that, wouldn't I, being that I've chosen STO?

Amigo, I hope that makes more sense now. Sometimes I know my clarity of expression can be lacking.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Other than that, with regard to what else was discussed here, it seems that we are in full agreement, except where you seem to believe that I belong to this hippy group that you make mention of.
Well, only you could tell us what is the case here, as only you can know for sure. But I will clarify my perception, because I really didn't mean to imply you were a member of this hippy group. My belief is that you are a member of a group founded by Jon Peniel that is based on his (Jon's) Teachings or at least an independent Follower of his Teachings. Because of this supposition, I have shared with you a piece of information that I did not seek, but yet I feel would be very relevant to a person such as yourself who is building their spiritual framework upon the work of Jon Peniel. And that piece of information is simply that many, many of his teachings actually come from this "hippy group", Father Yod and his Source Family. And that as a result, there is at least some deliberate falsehood in those Teachings, with extent unknown.
If none of this matters to you, then that's perfectly acceptable. It is your Path, brother, and your incarnation to do with as you see fit. If your source is helping you and you are satisfied, then by all means keep your course.
But speaking only for myself, if some equivalent information regarding the Ra material existed, then I would absolutely want to know about it. It doesn't mean I would abandon the teachings, but I would want to know and it would perhaps prompt me to re-examine my belief system, which may or may not result in changes in my thinking.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: You seem to acknowledge that which I have spoken about truth being the priority regardless of its source, and than you say with the same breath that you cannot accept truth from this Zoroaster.
I hope what I wrote above clarifies this point about why I shared that with you. I thought I recognized the truth of some of what Jon Peniel aka Zoroaster taught in my post. Not all of it, no, but his teachings do contain truth.
I am suggesting only that perhaps this source of truth contains an equal amount of, or perhaps more distortion than the Ra material. But if the Teachings resonate with you perfectly and you are happy with what you are doing, then there's no reason to change that. We each walk our own Path and what is right for one is not right for another.
But this forum is indeed dedicated to the study of a particular source of information, so you may find a majority bias towards a frame work of the Law of One as shared by L/L Research.
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: Have you read the Ra material where they specifically state that they have used deception for the purpose of getting through a message? Sometimes the message and getting it through is far more important than the means of delivery.
No, I have not, could you please point it out to me?
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: And I do think it is has been prudent of the Intelligent Energy to devise means of hiding the truth and allowing it to be disseminated in a mysterious fashion. If all the truth offered to humanity had been openly offered in only one source, and that source distorted and corrupted, than all truth would have been lost with it. For that purpose the teachings have been secretly hidden into a myriad of teachings and cultures, using both written and oral records, involving a great deal of symbology and code. Because of this the truth has been revealed to those who have diligently sought after it using discretion and discernment, and following the trail bread crumb by bread crumb.
I hope that you can come to terms with your issues of deception. We have gathered our bread crumbs from sources spanning many distortions and never look back to see how they were packaged.

Yes, indeed. gathered bread crumbs from sources spanning many distortions and never look back to see how they were packaged.
I do the same, as do many, many people on this forum. But if I were compiling all of my understandings of spiritual topics gathered from many, many sources into one neat book for future seekers. Such as Jon Peniel has done. I would not do it by telling the seeker that this came from an ancient order of Tibetan monks in a magical land where I trained in secret in special and hidden knowledge from a mysterious Order of Keepers Of Knowledge.
I would instead present it as helpful spiritual information, the Truth as I understood it, and let the information stand on its own. That's exactly what L/L Research did with the Ra Material. I honestly feel that I would go about it in the same way were I in a similar situation. I would not choose to make up any stories.
Jon Peniel chose a different approach, that's all. That's really the only issue I have with deception in this context. It's not resonant with my understanding nor my approach. I do not hate deception, but I honor truth. But if this approach makes sense to you and your group, you have just as much free will as I do. Do as ye will, brother, it's your incarnation. And please enjoy the ride!
I would only suggest trying to be open to learning from the community here and the source material, the Law of One. It may be that there's at least some small thing, some new perspective or morsel in the material that would be of benefit. Or maybe it would only strengthen your existing convictions? Maybe as you understand it more, you'll be able to translate the contents of your Children of the Law of One philosophy into words we can all more easily understand, because you will know our background.
Either way, however it turns out, we all win!
(02-25-2012, 03:19 PM)ShinAr Wrote: We wish you a fruitful journey.
Equally brother, I wish you all the same.
Love to all