(02-23-2012, 02:06 PM)@ndy Wrote: I like my fears
I love this thought! In my experience, everything that is of negative nature, when completely accepted in the self, can be transformed into the positive energy that gives you strength and power to go on, move forward. So I will think about it more. To love the fear itself. Thank you.
There is one fear that I have that is completely illogical. It is fear of dogs (and most of second density beings). Even when a fluffy, very tiny dog approaches me, I see how it transforms into a monster who is biting me, and whatnot, in my mind. I have not worked with this fear yet. I don't understand it. And it is indeed cripling, at the same time it is funny. How illogical it is. And how these tiny, fluffy creatures transforms into unpredictable, complete monsters in my mind.