02-23-2012, 01:04 PM
If anyone were to ask me what a wanderer is... I would say it is "Someone who beholds with different eyes"
I admire the patience and inner strenght my fellow wanderers exhibit every time they relentlessly shoulder the burden of the other. I truly do. Every time they put themselves in service. Every time they fill another persons needs. I think we take self worth directly from this service. This value of servitude is imprinted deeply into our society.
However there is the ancient hermetic paradigm. "As above so below." Which like so many teachings again expresses that idea that we are all co creators. The world is a reflection of the self.
That logic would imply that if I make myself someone who is primarily engaged in serving others, rescueing them, selflessly filling their needs. The universe strives to bring on my path what is needed to live that dream. And thus an infinite stream of needy and abusive people are sent my way for me to practice my selfless patience on.
Not only does this damage us.. It damages those sent to us.
I propose an experiment. One that was proposed to me and that worked well for me. To no longer see people as needy or suffering. But to see them as capable travellers of the path of life. Not only are they getting by, they're thriving..
It is difficult for many of us to accept a gift, even when the gift is given from abundance. Yet it is in accepting those gifts that allow the other to be in abundance..
If we figure out that our eyes, our "beholding" determines another persons suffering or thriving.. How would that change the way we look at others? And indeed ourselves?
I am not saying service is a bad thing, or that we should choose the service to self path. I'm just critically asking people to judge for themselves to what degree they are responsible for the need of the other. And what would change if they could see the other as a powerful beautiful fully actualized uninhibited entity of light.
We may still meet people who need a hand. And are free to give that hand.. But not in a bonding of servitude... I did not come here to save the world. I don't think it needs saving..
I admire the patience and inner strenght my fellow wanderers exhibit every time they relentlessly shoulder the burden of the other. I truly do. Every time they put themselves in service. Every time they fill another persons needs. I think we take self worth directly from this service. This value of servitude is imprinted deeply into our society.
However there is the ancient hermetic paradigm. "As above so below." Which like so many teachings again expresses that idea that we are all co creators. The world is a reflection of the self.
That logic would imply that if I make myself someone who is primarily engaged in serving others, rescueing them, selflessly filling their needs. The universe strives to bring on my path what is needed to live that dream. And thus an infinite stream of needy and abusive people are sent my way for me to practice my selfless patience on.
Not only does this damage us.. It damages those sent to us.
I propose an experiment. One that was proposed to me and that worked well for me. To no longer see people as needy or suffering. But to see them as capable travellers of the path of life. Not only are they getting by, they're thriving..
It is difficult for many of us to accept a gift, even when the gift is given from abundance. Yet it is in accepting those gifts that allow the other to be in abundance..
If we figure out that our eyes, our "beholding" determines another persons suffering or thriving.. How would that change the way we look at others? And indeed ourselves?
I am not saying service is a bad thing, or that we should choose the service to self path. I'm just critically asking people to judge for themselves to what degree they are responsible for the need of the other. And what would change if they could see the other as a powerful beautiful fully actualized uninhibited entity of light.
We may still meet people who need a hand. And are free to give that hand.. But not in a bonding of servitude... I did not come here to save the world. I don't think it needs saving..