02-21-2012, 06:52 PM
A lot of times I wonder if the concept of polarity keeps people from polarizing, due to the fear that they will somehow turn into the undesired polarity, or out of the sheer frustration of what seems like an impossible task, especially with a deadline being dropped. Harvest is NOW. You'd better get your s*** in order or it's curtains for you! I know plenty of seekers who do little more than run in circles, worrying about what polarity they fall into. I was one of them for a good period of time, and I was miserable. So much effort is put into maintaining a perceived percentage of polarity that simple lessons along the way are missed, or avoided out of fear. I think being awake and aware of who you are and what you want in your life, especially in the spiritual aspect, is more important than trying to hit some critical mass that will supposedly catapult you into higher living. That "deadline", that "grade marker" is great for jumpstarting people who would otherwise do nothing but wallow for the next several eons, but when it comes to active spiritual seekrers, I think the focus put on a measurement of something that in truth can not be measured serves more as a distraction than a motivation. Be who you are, and you are offering the highest service available. It is a job that no one else can do.