To attain mass you need the solar plexus, its the heaviest, tho it require an equaly strong root to have something bear its weight.
The speed of light is simply the most radiant... The crown.
There are tho two aspects of the crown, the center/thin one attained through the yellow ray pushing height (violet) and the enveloping/broad one through the green ray making sure it doesnt collapse right as you stop pushing (light pink).
It should be mentioned that the unified heart equals Lime and is an overtone on the frequency "1" (the hip).. which make this oh so much easier.
It should be obvious that utalizing everything as a whole, beats chosing only one half of the equation when knowing that the totality equals all the values multiplied by eachothers, not added.
While on the topic of false beliefs...
Early on, i thought (because of having read the Law of One) that pushing energies down my legs would reverse my energy flow (and make me turn into the negative polarity).. Something i clearly was scared of, so i tried my best to refrain from doing it..
But yeah... Just like with all other beliefs ive held that kept me from doing xyz, it turned out to be false.
To attain mass you need the solar plexus, its the heaviest, tho it require an equaly strong root to have something bear its weight.
The speed of light is simply the most radiant... The crown.
There are tho two aspects of the crown, the center/thin one attained through the yellow ray pushing height (violet) and the enveloping/broad one through the green ray making sure it doesnt collapse right as you stop pushing (light pink).
It should be mentioned that the unified heart equals Lime and is an overtone on the frequency "1" (the hip).. which make this oh so much easier.
It should be obvious that utalizing everything as a whole, beats chosing only one half of the equation when knowing that the totality equals all the values multiplied by eachothers, not added.
While on the topic of false beliefs...
Early on, i thought (because of having read the Law of One) that pushing energies down my legs would reverse my energy flow (and make me turn into the negative polarity).. Something i clearly was scared of, so i tried my best to refrain from doing it..
But yeah... Just like with all other beliefs ive held that kept me from doing xyz, it turned out to be false.