(02-20-2012, 08:38 PM)Ankh Wrote: But sweety, there is no such thing as neutral in the Law of One. There are two straight and narrow paths, either this way or that way. That in between is a sinkhole of indifference. In the Law of One you can read about this density being the density of choice, about weakening of the physical body complex in order for us to deal with each other, and that we will be fed with catalysts until we develop a bias.
I'll bet that sixth density beings do not need to get up in the morning and go to their 9 to 5 work, or get stuck in the kitchen for hours cooking, or change their own babies diapers. Each density has their own limitations, and lessons to be learned. We are in third density right now, and we need to do all that stuff that is in need to be done here. And in doing so, there are choices to be made.
I am sure that you can be as neutral as you wish, once you opened that gateway, but until then this is the main entrance, at the end of those two, opposite, straight and narrow paths.
RA prefer calling what i call neutral; positive, seeing as one is never downright cruel (even when nobody will know).
All the growth/renewal/understanding one afflict on others will come mixed together with some compassion/safety/acceptance and vice versa.
Sure, neutral is sort of a posistive fella, but white is still neutraly polarized (100% of ones actions are STO and 100% are aswell STS)
(02-20-2012, 10:42 PM)ShinAr Wrote: To seek a neutrality is the same as going backward. It is NOT forward movement or growth. What would the great oak seed become if it remained neutral and non developing in the seed pod? How would humanity and the All ever progress if each of us walked backward in service to our flesh?By neutrality, i mean having both dualities in harmony from within, something that doesnt need a counterbalancing outside force... By chosing only one half of the duality, the other half will further manifest on the outside.
To those that teach that service to self is simply a neutral point of development between matter and spirit that we should regularly bounce back and forth on, I remind you that the Ouroboros does not turn to look back. I remind you that there are extraordinary and amazing events awaiting us in the path ahead. When you return backward on that path you simply find more of the same. More of what you have already been experiencing for many lifetimes already.
The real question is why would you choose to sacrifice the Mystery ahead for the same old darkness behind?
The positive polarity, almost entierly lacking roots will easily swirl away in the winds, thus growth halts (unless you "crash down to earth", through a devastating experience. One is thus given the chanse to recover, and the act of recovering strengthen the roots)
The negative polarity, being mostly roots wont get to feel those heavy winds at all, there are thus nothing distracting oneself from growing. (discarding the piece of itself which lies above grownd over and over, perfecting ones ability to recover if disaster would strike)
Whereas the 4d positive polarity could be seen as moss (rooted within the adjecent "other selves", not the ground), the 4d negative path is likened to that of a mushroom.. and the steriotypical tree for 6th (above/below in equalibrium).
the secret for immortality/timelesness lies within the roots