02-20-2012, 11:45 PM
I am glad that abstrktion brought this particular quotation into the conversation. This is one of those quotations that has much more in it than is immediately apparent.
The darkness itself is the matrix, but Ra mentions that those who attempt to use the Catalyst of the Spirit often find themselves groping in the moonlight. Here, it appears that Ra is not speaking only of the Matrix of the Spirit: Ra is also speaking of the matrix now informed by catalyst: the Experience of the Spirit -- the Moon card. Consequently, we can see that the progressive action of evolving the spirit is depicted (however briefly) in this one quotation: first there is darkness, then the darkness is potentiated by the "fructifying influence of light". This potentiation yields some kind of spiritual catalyst which may be seen as that part of this fructifying influence of light which was actually retained from the jarring experience of potentiation. It is this glimmer of residual light which may then be used to pry open a hole in the darkness of the spirit, thereby reshaping the matrix into one which is now not completely dark but twilit as by the moonlight.
The moonlight is now the new darkness, the new matrix, because there can always be more light and less darkness. This is how the slow progress of spiritual evolution occurs: little by little, the matrix transforms from one that is dark into one that is lit, the end goal being the ability to "grasp the light of the sun".
The darkness itself is the matrix, but Ra mentions that those who attempt to use the Catalyst of the Spirit often find themselves groping in the moonlight. Here, it appears that Ra is not speaking only of the Matrix of the Spirit: Ra is also speaking of the matrix now informed by catalyst: the Experience of the Spirit -- the Moon card. Consequently, we can see that the progressive action of evolving the spirit is depicted (however briefly) in this one quotation: first there is darkness, then the darkness is potentiated by the "fructifying influence of light". This potentiation yields some kind of spiritual catalyst which may be seen as that part of this fructifying influence of light which was actually retained from the jarring experience of potentiation. It is this glimmer of residual light which may then be used to pry open a hole in the darkness of the spirit, thereby reshaping the matrix into one which is now not completely dark but twilit as by the moonlight.
The moonlight is now the new darkness, the new matrix, because there can always be more light and less darkness. This is how the slow progress of spiritual evolution occurs: little by little, the matrix transforms from one that is dark into one that is lit, the end goal being the ability to "grasp the light of the sun".