02-19-2012, 06:17 PM
(01-12-2012, 05:38 PM)yossarian Wrote: What does Shin'Ar think about Ra's concept of seeing the Creator in everything? Do you think Ra is referring to the same God that most religions refer to, or is Ra specifically referring to the self as God?
Ra talks about The One Infinite Creator as does Wilcock. I'm trying to discriminate between Creator and Demiurge. Can the One Infinite Creator be found outside oneself? Ra says to see the creator in everything, but how does this differ from a slave mentality where someone obeys anyone with power?
The positive polarity sees the Creator in everything, the negative polarity sees the creator in self alone. Are either of these balanced?
I think that what you need to focus on here is exactly what is meant by 'the creator being in everything'. Most here would agree that the Creator is not separate from its creation. But it seems that what you are asking is, is there a supreme authority over and above that which it creates.
You seem to confuse yourself with aspects of the god of religion being a different entity than that of the God spoken of by the Ra material. I think that the Ra material specifically acknowledges the commonality between religion and the Law of the One teachings. God is God, despite man's confusion and various ways to comprehend it.
Polarity is not a result of choice, or ability to understand, or which path one chooses to walk. And it is certainly not the difference between a supreme entity and one which includes everything created.
I do not know who this Peregrinus is, but they explained it perfectly. Polarity is nothing more than one force acting against the opposing force resulting in everything that follows as a result. These opposing forces are the One Source thinking, being conscious, intending, desiring and choosing. As the One exists it creates polarity simply by existing. Every action requires an opposite reaction.
We are simply a part of that movement and the continuing thought process of that first thought. We are that first movement experiencing itself from different angles. As it expands outward in the great circle it looks back upon itself through many eyes, from many points of view. No eye is any less than its its origin. No thought or consciousness any less than the first. And neither polarity separate from the point of beginning, just moving in different directions.
The great design is that the circle is already made. The ouroboros is already complete. And there are two directions on that circle. Moving toward the Light where it began or returning back to the origin the way it has already come.
As one aspect of the One Consciousness the only way to experience the unknown is to move toward the Light. To return is to remain in the darkness and never know the opportunities of the rest of the circle. The All is complete and we are part of it, but our point of view as one of the eyes experiencing that which we create, looks either forward or backward on that ouroboros. That is our choice as our process of the One God. The Eye of Horus is not a symbol of a supremity watching everything we do. It is symbolic acknowledgement that we are the Eye.