(02-16-2012, 07:32 AM)Oldern Wrote: The thing is, that as far as I understand, there is only a psychic greeting if you create a situation where it can "find you". If you decide that it is not possible to be found in such a way, then it will literally be impossible to be "attacked" in any way.The situation where one "stands out" has to do with one's distortion (positive but unbalanced) being broadcast, which begs for adjustment. It's always unconscious. So no, with that imbalance you can't merely decide to not be "attacked", just like you can't suddenly remove all distortion (which is one of the main purposes of incarnation).
(02-16-2012, 09:50 AM)3DMonkey Wrote: Technically, if the mind and spirit create the body, then any unconscious manifestation that arises in the body is "psychic". Right?Depends what you mean. Emotion is an "unconscious manifestation that arises in the body". Yet we tend to refer to emotional state rather than psychic state.