11-30-2009, 07:51 PM
It has been my experience that some people simply do not resonate with each other. Sometimes this divergence in vibration can occur after a relationship has already been formed, as our vibrations are constantly changing. This does not mean that we should not respect each person for exactly what they are, but it also does not mean that we have to synch up with every one in every way. If we all matched up perfectly we would not be individuals but robots. In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, if this person truly needs to be away from your presence for a while, I would honor that request, letting it be known that you are completely open to further contact and will react out of love regardless of the situation. Sometimes people just really need their space. They need room to think. Forcing a relationship can only cause it to tear more quickly. I would simply try to step back and try to be content with knowing that love is universal. However, I know this is far easier said than done. Orange and yellow ray can hurt tremendously. I wish you strength and clarity in whatever action you decide to pursue.