(02-14-2012, 01:30 PM)BlatzAdict Wrote: So many movies always try to explain things in the form of story, which detracts from the original purpose of the work. It is further distortion is what Ra would definitely say.
Depends on how much it could reach people, how well it was marketed, etc etc. So many things
How much of it could you keep intact, what if it was something like what the bleep do we know?
but for spirituality? but to cover the whole story? hahaha where do you want to start?
or maybe make it a space opera instead of a documentary.. saga of the 6D wanderers from venus. lol
I see your point in the way of potential distortion - however I feel like actually educating people on the Law of One would be beyond the scope of the film. The idea is for the film to act as an event that opens the audience to possibilities that they hadn't considered previously.
The Law of One, the act of channeling, etc will be the subject, yes. However, I don't wish to educate the audience in any in-depth way - only provide tools for further investigation. Introduce the subject - and that's all. The film will hopefully be a way to evoke a sense of mystery that raises questions more so than answer them.
I don't see how marketing would be relevant to the film's quality, if one person watched it and got something out of it I would be cool with that.
Space opera... now you're talking.
(02-14-2012, 01:36 PM)Bring4th_Steve Wrote: Send me a PM Ecz.Sent