02-13-2012, 12:44 PM
(02-13-2012, 09:49 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: In contrast, where are the benefits to saying which density we're from? If one feels strongly that they were from x density, why is there a need to publicize it? Is there a feeling of alienation, as in the case of being a Wanderer? No. Is there a feeling of relief, being in the company of others from x density? Perhaps. But is that worth the potential effects such a discussion might have on those who are 'only' from, say, 4D?
I have no idea about the need to publicize it, except it being a mean of seeking. I did not participate in this thread though in that kind of sense, except when you asked an honestly curious question, I attempted to answer from my own, personal perspective. I think that superiority/inferiority issue is a biggy in seeking unity, or Law of One, especially in this density where work in consciousness is done and refining/making *the* choice*. So I do not react when people resonating with x density discussing that. You seem to do, based on the concerns you pointed out in your posts. But by saying "why there is a need to publicize it", can be perceived by people, who are seeking, and trying to understand something by these discussions, to keep their opinions for themselves, which is, in imo, not helpful on the path of seeking.
I was speaking in generalities, and not you personally. Sorry for not being clear.