02-13-2012, 11:44 AM
(02-13-2012, 10:42 AM)plenum Wrote: Ra talks about man's dysfunctional relationship with Nature. How we abuse it, chop it up, subsume it into our economy.
The issue with Technology is that it is a crutch, and not necessarily an essential one.
In the Second Cycle of 25000 years, there were STO entities harvestible in South America. They were low tech.
if the end game is to learn spiritual lessons and move up the densities, then technology might even be a distraction.
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I appreciate the internet as much as everyone else; but there is something about 'our version of tech' that seems most STS (exploiting nature) and forcing us into an economic reliance system.
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I do appreciate the moment when 4D and higher is opened up, and we are telepathic, and no thoughts are hidden, and we can share our experiences and learnings directly with one another, mind to mind, with much less distortion.
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I don't mean to poo poo your idea by the way.
I think you hold quite a common view and I hear where you are coming from, but I think it is a case of confusing 'technology' with 'bad behavior + technology'. Rather just get rid of the bad behavior, technology is awesome.
If you think of technology in the broadest sense, it is not much more than the result of any kind of Human labour. Machines, devices, procedures, reminders, checklists...it's all flipping "technology". What the heck else are we supposed to get up to and how else are we supposed to progress/improve? I am pretty sure that 'fun' is in there somewhere on the 'Master Plan'.
I mean, we can only smile, meditate and say "thank you" so much...lol.