(02-11-2012, 01:06 PM)abstrktion Wrote: Love this! (I MA'd in LinguisticsSure, but as an archetype, it can find expression in many different ways and it's always good to find one's own identifying elements.). Hope you don't mind my quoting you too?
(02-11-2012, 01:06 PM)abstrktion Wrote: That last part was really precise and perceptive!
The last bit is also sort of beautiful in the sense of the biblical sense of "knowing" one's spouse...which should be ennobling as well.
I think the seeking act is ennobling in general, regardless of the particular experience because "everything is the creator". "We have hoped to balance this understanding by enunciating the Law of One, that is, that all things are One Creator. Thus seeking the Creator is done not just in meditation and in the work of an adept but in the experiential nexus of each moment."
"Each experience will be sequentially understood by the growing and seeking mind/body/spirit complex in terms of survival, then in terms of personal identity, then in terms of social relations, then in terms of universal love, then in terms of how the experience may beget free communication, then in terms of how the experience may be linked to universal energies, and finally in terms of the sacramental nature of each experience." The possible energy transfers also follow a similar progression.
(02-11-2012, 01:06 PM)abstrktion Wrote: And (darn it, I can't find the quote right now) isn't the Empress the unconscious ennobled by the conscious?The Empress is the unconscious ennobled by the conscious. It's the offering of the unconscious mind (which takes on various qualities according to prior experience, bias and polarization) for conscious use (catalyst). Unconscious = feminine (or passive role).
Any thoughts on that?
As Ra said "Know then, first, the mind and the body. Then as the spirit is integrated and synthesized, these are harmonized into a mind/body/spirit complex which can move among the dimensions and can open the gateway to intelligent infinity, thus healing self by light and sharing that light with others."
"Each experience will need to be observed, experienced, balanced, accepted, and seated within the individual"
I think that after working with consciousness for a while, people begin to realize there are underlying principles in operation, which seem to be 'universal'. To actually have identified this system to the extent they did is quite an accomplishment. I am wondering to what extent these archetype descriptions, as explained to the ancient Egyptians, were derived from the Sun and Venus logoi and how they may have been created naturally by seekers native to Earth.