02-10-2012, 08:45 PM
The sun has been changing, I've seen the particles falling from the sky. Some believe it's my organic eyes cause this to happen due to its imperfection, but I'm not staring at the sun, and I first noticed them by accident, and have seen them every time I look when the sun's out.
Now, I watched all the Spirit Science videos today, and what he said made sense, with the 21st being the day the earth passes through an galactic axis, in which a pole shift happens along with a shift in consciousness. This happens during a void we pass through, where it is dark for 3 1/2 days. After these days, the sun will rise in the west, and it will be, as the mayans called it, the birth of the 5th sun.
just one theory amongst the myriad. i don't expect anything cataclysmic though, that isn't self-induced anyway (by the STS elite.) No nuclear explosions either. Thank God we got Sirians (or whoever's the STO aliens) watching out and interacting with us on our behalf.
Now, I watched all the Spirit Science videos today, and what he said made sense, with the 21st being the day the earth passes through an galactic axis, in which a pole shift happens along with a shift in consciousness. This happens during a void we pass through, where it is dark for 3 1/2 days. After these days, the sun will rise in the west, and it will be, as the mayans called it, the birth of the 5th sun.
just one theory amongst the myriad. i don't expect anything cataclysmic though, that isn't self-induced anyway (by the STS elite.) No nuclear explosions either. Thank God we got Sirians (or whoever's the STO aliens) watching out and interacting with us on our behalf.