02-08-2012, 12:54 AM
(02-08-2012, 12:18 AM)Gribbons Wrote:Quote:Those that have twin flames are already One in the higher self.
Like they've already resolved their karma and are at peace/one with themselves, thus capable of seeing/meeting/supporting their twin flames? or something else..? cause i had a lot of faith this girl and i were going to work out, and there were some pretty weird and unlikely coincidences putting us together at times, but it seems that isn't everything, or even signs even. /endquasicynicism
i'm trying to contact my higher self. haven't tried real hard, but i try to hold onto a question as i'm going to bed, hoping i get some kind of answer. any suggestions? i need to know if i went wrong in my pursuit for this girl or if i'm down here for some bigger purpose...ah forget it, i was wrong. i just want to know why i was led to believe things would work out better than this.
I think sometimes we don't let ourselves see the end so that we'll make the journey--and sometimes this means heading in the opposite direction of where we'll eventually end up. There's a great country song called, "I Thank God for Unanswered Prayers" that lends some wisdom in love. Hang in there!
Here's a link to some Qu'o material on the higher self: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._0108.aspx