(02-07-2012, 11:56 PM)Oceania Wrote: what mantras do you use, if i can ask? i like om mani padme hum and gayatri mantra,
I guess it's not really a mantra. I just keep repeating 'love' in my head and focused on it as best as I could. It really worked for me as it dug out a lot of unworthiness, questions, experiences that got me into this hole. Doing this actually got me back outside to meditate again on a guy I never really liked. He's the boyfriend of the girl I've been in love with (she had a crush on me at one time, but, long story, and it doesn't mean anything anymore. i'm actually hoping for an explanation in a dream, because a lot of it doesn't make sense and i think she was leading me on..) but i digress, i've never wanted to take him into heart, so i meditated on his name and found i actually do like the guy, and love him, because he loves the girl I love, and if she's happy, then I guess I'm happy too. as long as she's protected and loved, that's all i can ask for really.
its only day one though. i'm sure i'll dig up more stuff tomorrow, but i feel a little bit better honestly.
Quote:The point is to anchor light, and the funny thing is many find that being an anchor sets you aside from other spiritual individuals. I have meant many who I consider close but no one on a day to day basis. Because we are to be spread out over the planet, to anchor in the ascension light. I think you are part of something bigger that your higher self is over seeing.
thank you for this. i do feel, while i probably had karma with this guy that led me to leave the university, i feel i probably have something to do here. i wasn't of much use up there, ya know? not a lot of people liked me outside of the classroom. and perhaps the degree won't mean as much in the near future... i felt the place was caving in on me. i wish i had meditated more, but honestly, i was too close to the source of my drama to deal with it level-headedly. i was very up and down. very loving this minute, angry and in a bad mood the next. it's kind of sad really. but, i say i was following my heart, and its not like i just imagined this whole thing and this girl liking me, even just a little bit, but it wasn't meant to be, so that's why i'm down here with my family again most likely.
Quote:Those that have twin flames are already One in the higher self.
Like they've already resolved their karma and are at peace/one with themselves, thus capable of seeing/meeting/supporting their twin flames? or something else..? cause i had a lot of faith this girl and i were going to work out, and there were some pretty weird and unlikely coincidences putting us together at times, but it seems that isn't everything, or even signs even. /endquasicynicism
i'm trying to contact my higher self. haven't tried real hard, but i try to hold onto a question as i'm going to bed, hoping i get some kind of answer. any suggestions? i need to know if i went wrong in my pursuit for this girl or if i'm down here for some bigger purpose...ah forget it, i was wrong. i just want to know why i was led to believe things would work out better than this.