(02-04-2012, 09:19 AM)Wander Wrote: That sounds kind of awesome. Though I don't see how that is very helpful at the moment. Dreaming might just cause me to drift off even more.
Things that are 'full of awe' have a big impact on soul.
I have seen the Illum...ti use this to great effect against your peoples, however they use it for negative gain..they call it 'shock and awe'.
See how one kind of awe can raise your vibrations - the other puts you deeper into the sinkhole.
How did you feel on 911.
That was a good example of 'shock and awe'.
Recently when a plot to detonate bombs at a station in Berlin was foiled....the (us) media reported...
'regarding the Euro crisis Europe failed to deliver 'shock and awe'.
They are talking in code...shame we can understand it.
My little exercise is one of raising your 'spirits'
I wrote about eliminating fear and letting in joy. Check it out if you want.