(01-29-2012, 08:10 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: some (but not all, as zen pointed out) conversations we have here are one of a kind and arguably the leading edge of human thought in some philosophical subdivisions.Even a blind squirrel will eventually find an acorn. But as far as leading edge of thought? I'd argue not, if by 'thought' you meant something like Ra's idea of the 'adept' - or what may be articulated from personal experience and knowledge of the types of principles related by Ra. There are other forums for that where the participants have long gone past Green vMeme valuing. Generally, the demographic here is 'leading edge' only with respect to the larger population taken as a whole. So perhaps part of a widely trodden 'front' (of say, that upper 10%), but just not quite pioneering (that .1%, a la the 'Hero's Journey'). Green vMeme info such as DW, Carla/Q'uo and others convey would be included as that front. In other words, the vast majority of observations here are only going to 'help' 1st tier valuers.
It seems that Ra's 'different slant' was provided with some foreknowledge of the particular confusions we were working with as a society, and given those, intended to clarify principles leading to unity. That is, blended within the answers given to Don's remarkably cogent questions.
As a general rule, you're going to help other seekers through your own efforts, when those efforts are true. Any honest approach itself is a path which tends to and reveals a unity which is shared.