01-25-2012, 01:49 AM
I'm not sure either; I personally haven't experienced these sounds and what's led me to presume that this is a widespread phenomenon is both how many people are attesting to having experienced it and in the scattered geographical locations they've experienced it at. My attention was only recently brought to this from quite a few threads/posts about this on the GLP forums, and the videos of it too. I also read a few people dismissing these sounds as an apparent hoax, or due to drilling, or some other reason.
Until I actually hear this sound, I won't assume anything concrete on it. I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood where underground drilling wouldn't be a possibility so if it happens here, quite a few people will be alarmed.
Until I actually hear this sound, I won't assume anything concrete on it. I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood where underground drilling wouldn't be a possibility so if it happens here, quite a few people will be alarmed.