01-24-2012, 01:21 PM
I think those of us who were 5D- can probably relate to the 5D- entity in the barren cave who gave Carla a psychic greeting. The entity lived in complete isolation from all entities other than the 2D rocks it lived in, it was completely self sufficient, had advanced knowledge of magic. I've lived a large portion of my life alone in my room, as self sufficient as possible, pursuing all kinds of knowledge and wisdom, thinking up plans and goals rather than thinking of people and emotions. It was hard for me to trust others or my own emotions, yet paradoxically I was also very naive, trusting and happy when I was a child. Adapting to being dependent on others, getting in touch with my emotions, etc. will be difficult but I think that's one of the main reasons I'm here and some of you reading this thread can probably relate to some of what I've described.