(01-19-2012, 11:55 PM)Eric Wrote: Hey Diana!
I like the spirit of your questioning. I too attempt to try and rationally evaluate things I read, be them in the Ra material or elsewhere.
Anyways, I think that it might be helpful to let go of the idea that these beings are quite as advanced as you are describing them to be. It's easy to fall in to that mode of thinking, but they are not gods. Just further down the road than we are. Perhaps if they were wiser (no insult to the Confederation implied) the scenario of a malfunctioning nuclear drone wouldn't have come up at all because they would have some more sophisticated means.
Such as it was, I still believe they most likely went ahead with the solution in which they felt minimized destruction of any kind.

I didn't mean to imply that the Confederation would be godlike. But even if they were just a tiny bit more advanced than 3D humans, it seems like they could have handled it better (assuming there is a Confederation, and assuming they were responsible for Tunguska).
It may be as you have described, but then if it was, I would agree with Oceania that it doesn't bode well for advancement if the Confederation is that inept.

(01-20-2012, 01:48 AM)Cyan Wrote: Just to chime in here. My belief is that 2nd density creatures are by and large far more compassionate than 3rd density. Compassion seems to vanish the higher up you go in the system then merging to a entire new platou on the 6th.
My experience is that compassion vanishes as intelligence increases. Only to merge back into the process once intelligence reaches a certain point of "we are all one".
That may be intimated in certain channelings or teachings, but I could not make sense of that. 5D may be more focused on knowledge, but after having been 4D, one wouldn't DEvolve back to no compassion. One would change focus perhaps, but not lose what one has gained, unless one went back to 3D for the lessons.
(01-20-2012, 01:48 AM)Cyan Wrote: So yes, I believe that the 2D entities more than gladly participated in the experience. But, that being said. What the confederation does to the 2D entities is the confederations choices and their karmic responsibility. What we do to 2D entities is our karmic responsibility.
This is true about responsibility. About the 2D entities gladly participating--I'm not so sure. I don't know about plants, but I have felt "feelings" from individual trees, although they may still be part of a system. And animals definitely do not want to die. Of course, the bigger picture is that all things go on. But that is not a good reason to just let life die.
(01-20-2012, 01:48 AM)Cyan Wrote: Personally, I'd suggest we rush the dev of those bio genetic developements that would allow the growth of pure meat in laboratory conditions. If for nothing else than the fact that it would finally free us from the "requirement" of killing animals for food.
It is not a requirement to kill animals for food. However, since so many humans are attached to eating animals, then this would be a good alternative as an interim measure.

I am fairly certain that any advanced culture beyond 3D would find a way to obtain the healthiest food (not meat--it's not healthy) with no cruelty, or against the wishes of the animal. If you have ever hunted or seen an animal slaughtered, you will know they did not want it.