01-19-2012, 06:46 PM
I think that the fallacy of these "ETs" is one of the most comforting things I have run across reading/consuming Q'uo and other material. If they are infallible... then I couldn't possibly be "one" with them as they would be truly "alien" to me. If everyone made the exact correct / most efficient decision every single time (even for more advanced beings than us), things would get very boring very fast. And to me, "perfection" and "idealism" go hand in hand. We have all seen what idolatry has done to this world (*coughorganizedreligionscough*).
Personally, I don't think I could accomplish anything that I could describe as "perfection" in this density and even in 4 - 7th density I could imagine myself still considering that a quite lofty goal.
Personally, I don't think I could accomplish anything that I could describe as "perfection" in this density and even in 4 - 7th density I could imagine myself still considering that a quite lofty goal.