01-12-2012, 12:58 PM
(04-28-2011, 12:52 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: What would an STO and STS adept have in common? What do people embarking on the paths have in common? Chaotikmind said that the STS equivalent of meditation is making the mind as noisy as possible.
I think what they have in common is focus. I think it takes more focus to be STS because one has to ignore others, and that takes more energy, more focus, to keep the knowledge of others at bay.
I disagree with Chaotikmind. The STS adept would be even better at meditation as a sharper and stronger focus would have to be maintained. The heart opens naturally (in response to outer stimuli such as a suffering child or animal), so the STS individual would have to stay focused on his/hers/ one-pointed path. It's easier for the STO individual because the heart opens naturally, and the STO individual can jump into this natural current that the opening of the heart is.