01-09-2012, 10:29 PM
Greetings Hogey11,
I have thought about this issue quite a bit myself, but have not really taken the time, until now, to really research this idea further. Thank you for bringing this up.
Pulling up quotes on the fourth-density from the material on the lawofone.info website reveals a little bit about this question on the nature of our 'body' in 4D:
A good starting point:
Our bodies visually look the same, but are composed of different chemical elements.
Most importantly here, which you have pointed out already, is the telepathic ability in 4D. This is not only a knowing of the other, but a radical change in the abilities of our consciousness in 4D. The idea of a 'self' is eliminated in the sense that the idea of a self exists only in 'relation' to other-selves. This is not to say, obviously, that there will not be other appearances of other-selves in 4D as in 3D, but simply the concept of self in 3D is based on being able to 'hide' your 'self' (composed of memories, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc).
Once these memories, emotions, feelings and thoughts are perceived by others in 4D, there is still a differentiation in appearance, but the main change here is the abilities of the consciousness. The self in 4D is based off of mutual understanding, love, unbound compassion and the only real 'delineation' being the individuated appearance of an 'entity'.
There is not much in the Law of One material (I could be wrong, I've only spent a few hours researching this before writing this up) about the necessities of 3D besides the catalysts made available to the 3D mind/body/spirit complex. Which brings us to the question of where catalyst originates.
Catalysts originate from our desire in the world. These desires can be pronounced but often, many are not. Other desires are barely conscious to the self. When the mind attaches to anything in the 3D plane as 'real' or 'absolute', it creates an antagonism. We also need other-selves in 3D in order to process/gauge/experience this catalyst effectively and quickly. This relates back to my earlier point of the difference between 3D “self” and 4D “self”. Our desires are simply pointers to what is perceived as 'missing' from life. Can anything be 'missing' if we realize the emptiness of self? There is nothing missing, as there is nothing to be gained or lost in relation to anything, if we realize that we are one. There are only appearances of such dependently arising conditions.
With this understanding, I believe STO 4D is one of “Christ-Consciousness” or “Buddha nature”. There is an ability to relate to 3D, but our understanding of self is radically changed by this transparency. The 3D necessities are of the yellow-ray sphere, which is only opened fully through only caring about the other-self's welfare and happiness. This unbounded love, or compassion is only fully realized in Christ-consciousness or Buddha nature.
Only by realizing the emptiness of self, of our interdependence and connection with each other, can this compassion truly take hold. For if one is to assume the 'reality' of the illusion of self, unbounded compassion is impossible- the self will demand some attention to it's 'care'. There will be people who will 'walk all over you' or 'take advantage of you'. This is the call back towards the illusionary 'self', that demands care of it, rather than 'others', although there is no difference.
This last quote is to further my point, and strengthen hogey's argument. The short nature of our 3D physical vehicles is exactly to teach us the lesson of love. It teaches us impermanence, of emptiness of all things. “It is self-sufficient only through difficulty and deprivation”; is there such thing as difficulty or deprivation in the 4D self? No, because there is no such thing as difficulty or deprivation, or illusions of such in relation to the concept of the 3D self. We depend on each other to be mirrors to our being-ness, to our progress on the realization of the unbounded love/compassion of the 4D STO self.
I have thought about this issue quite a bit myself, but have not really taken the time, until now, to really research this idea further. Thank you for bringing this up.
(01-08-2012, 03:13 PM)hogey11 Wrote: My own questions with this passage and sphere/plane questions comes down to a single point: Does the yellow sphere/plane have anything to do with our living, breathing bodies? Technically, our bodies are our 2D (orange) selves, which Ra claims will continue on into 4D without interruption...
So what does Ra mean when he says we will die due to 3D necessities? The yellow plane/sphere is described in a word by Ra as "self-awareness". What does the death of self-awareness really mean?
I think of it this way: remove the "awareness" part. We will witness the death of self. Ra claims that one of the staples of 4D will be "knowing everyone's hand", right? This is the elimination of self. We will be fully known by one another - our chosen identities destroyed as we start to navigate a world built on things no longer needed. Our careers and possessions will be washed away, and a new 4D self will emerge, allowing the "illusion" of our 3D experience wash away. It will be a death in that our 3D identities will be lost to us, no longer worth pursuing in a 4D world. There will no longer be lies.
Pulling up quotes on the fourth-density from the material on the lawofone.info website reveals a little bit about this question on the nature of our 'body' in 4D:
A good starting point:
Quote:16.44 Questioner: Thank you. Is it possible for you to give a short description of the conditions in the fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to consider as we speak that there are not words for positively describing fourth density. We can only explain what is not and approximate what is. Beyond fourth density our ability grows more limited until we become without words.
That which fourth density is not: it is not of words, unless chosen. It is not of heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities. It is not of disharmony within self. It is not of disharmony within peoples. It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.
Approximations of positive statements: it is a plane of type of bipedal vehicle which is much denser and more full of life; it is a plane wherein one is aware of the thought of other-selves; it is a plane wherein one is aware of vibrations of other-selves; it is a plane of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density; it is a plane striving towards wisdom or light; it is a plane wherein individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.
Our bodies visually look the same, but are composed of different chemical elements.
Quote:43.16 Questioner: The physical vehicle that is used in fourth-density space/time is, I am assuming, quite similar to the one that is now used in third density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The chemical elements used are not the same. However, the appearance is similar.
Most importantly here, which you have pointed out already, is the telepathic ability in 4D. This is not only a knowing of the other, but a radical change in the abilities of our consciousness in 4D. The idea of a 'self' is eliminated in the sense that the idea of a self exists only in 'relation' to other-selves. This is not to say, obviously, that there will not be other appearances of other-selves in 4D as in 3D, but simply the concept of self in 3D is based on being able to 'hide' your 'self' (composed of memories, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc).
Once these memories, emotions, feelings and thoughts are perceived by others in 4D, there is still a differentiation in appearance, but the main change here is the abilities of the consciousness. The self in 4D is based off of mutual understanding, love, unbound compassion and the only real 'delineation' being the individuated appearance of an 'entity'.
There is not much in the Law of One material (I could be wrong, I've only spent a few hours researching this before writing this up) about the necessities of 3D besides the catalysts made available to the 3D mind/body/spirit complex. Which brings us to the question of where catalyst originates.
Catalysts originate from our desire in the world. These desires can be pronounced but often, many are not. Other desires are barely conscious to the self. When the mind attaches to anything in the 3D plane as 'real' or 'absolute', it creates an antagonism. We also need other-selves in 3D in order to process/gauge/experience this catalyst effectively and quickly. This relates back to my earlier point of the difference between 3D “self” and 4D “self”. Our desires are simply pointers to what is perceived as 'missing' from life. Can anything be 'missing' if we realize the emptiness of self? There is nothing missing, as there is nothing to be gained or lost in relation to anything, if we realize that we are one. There are only appearances of such dependently arising conditions.
With this understanding, I believe STO 4D is one of “Christ-Consciousness” or “Buddha nature”. There is an ability to relate to 3D, but our understanding of self is radically changed by this transparency. The 3D necessities are of the yellow-ray sphere, which is only opened fully through only caring about the other-self's welfare and happiness. This unbounded love, or compassion is only fully realized in Christ-consciousness or Buddha nature.
Only by realizing the emptiness of self, of our interdependence and connection with each other, can this compassion truly take hold. For if one is to assume the 'reality' of the illusion of self, unbounded compassion is impossible- the self will demand some attention to it's 'care'. There will be people who will 'walk all over you' or 'take advantage of you'. This is the call back towards the illusionary 'self', that demands care of it, rather than 'others', although there is no difference.
Quote:19.12 Questioner: I will make a statement then of my understanding and ask you if I am correct. There is a, what I would call, physical catalyst operating at all times upon the entities in third density. I assume this operates approximately the same way in second density. It is a catalyst which acts through what we call pain and emotion. Is the primary reason for the weakening of the physical body and the elimination of body hair, etc. so that this catalyst would act more strongly upon the mind and therefore create the evolutionary process?
Ra: I am Ra. This is not entirely correct, although closely associated with the distortions of our understanding.
Consider, if you will, the tree for instance. It is self-sufficient. Consider, if you will, the third-density entity. It is self-sufficient only through difficulty and deprivation. It is difficult to learn alone for there is a built-in handicap, at once the great virtue and the great handicap of third density. That is the rational/intuitive mind.
Thus, the weakening of the physical vehicle, as you call it, was designed to distort entities towards a predisposition to deal with each other. Thus, the lessons which approach a knowing of love can be begun.
This catalyst then is shared between peoples as an important part of each self’s development as well as the experiences of the self in solitude and the synthesis of all experience through meditation. The quickest way to learn is to deal with other-selves. This is a much greater catalyst than dealing with the self. Dealing with the self without other-selves is akin to living without what you would call mirrors. Thus, the self cannot see the fruits of its being-ness. Thus, each may aid each by reflection. This is also a primary reason for the weakening of the physical vehicle, as you call the physical complex.
This last quote is to further my point, and strengthen hogey's argument. The short nature of our 3D physical vehicles is exactly to teach us the lesson of love. It teaches us impermanence, of emptiness of all things. “It is self-sufficient only through difficulty and deprivation”; is there such thing as difficulty or deprivation in the 4D self? No, because there is no such thing as difficulty or deprivation, or illusions of such in relation to the concept of the 3D self. We depend on each other to be mirrors to our being-ness, to our progress on the realization of the unbounded love/compassion of the 4D STO self.