11-17-2009, 07:14 PM
(10-29-2009, 12:38 AM)carrie Wrote:(10-25-2009, 07:12 PM)Whitefeather Wrote: Is it about relationships, communication, health, job? Being alone or with the wrong people? ... I am asking because, being stuck with the wrong people can be VERY hard! :@ IMO, it is the hardest thing!
Something like that... recently I was cheated of quite of some money, but I guess, I moved on.
It is very tempting to curse and swear at people, be violent, bad mood, hateful, disrespectful (and follow bad behavior).
Hi Carrie,
I am just only back to the forum and found your message only now; I have been away from computer work for about three weeks. Sorry for the delay.
I see what you mean, the emotional stuff... emotions are powerful and can have powerful effects, as much in the bad department as in the good one.
Of course, I could suggest to observe your emotions, see them coming into your being, and from there turn them around like when you push a light switch ... but I know that it is easier said than done; I am aware of that!
There are techniques, plenty of them, breathing techniques, self-mirroring techniques, etc.
But, I think that it may be more efficient and easier to start to 'unblock' the knots, so to say, with the help of what is currently called 'FLOWER ELIXIRS' also called 'flower remedies' or 'flower essences'.
You can find them in health shops and stores. They are correctors of negative emotions and work very well. Look for a practitioner for helping you identifying which may be the elixirs which will work for the emotion you wish to correct.
Flower elixirs are made by infusing full opened flowers in purified water in a certain way and then, fixing the elixir with a little bit of alcohol (brandy usually). The treatment consists of taking a few drops under the tongue several times per day for several days.
One flower is usually attributed to a particular emotion. Sometimes you find several associated together in a single remedy.
You may google 'Dr. Edward Bach' who was the physician who first discovered the corrective virtues of flowers upon emotions. He paired 38 emotions with a flower. After his death, his work was continued and now, you can find a great amount of flower elixirs on the market; these new flower elixirs became known as 'flower essences' in order to distinguish them from the work of Dr. E. Bach.
Here below are two links I found but there are many others.
Good luck!

keep in touch and take care,
Love and Light,