01-06-2012, 09:39 PM
Thank you for your response, Tenet. I have read through your posts. I'm interested in your reference to the Abrahamic Religions as limited to Judeo/Christian/Moslem. Also, I realized while reading your posts that I had forgotten to list Zoroastrianism in my list of previous manifestations. But, about the Abrahamic line, it might be of interest to you to note that both Hindus and Buddhists claim ancestry to Abraham, through Katurah his third wife who was banished into India.
I also wanted to comment on one thing you said:
"I also think the harvesting process will take a lot of the burden off of the rest of society which is now so tied up in dealing with the minority of people who, not only persist in violent thinking, but have the means to carry it out on a global scale. Most people are ready to move on, but they have been held hostage to behaviors which are not only incongruent with, but antithetical to, a spiritually evolved society. This is not mere sin, but iniquity. (Just to throw in a Christian term)"
I've been learning a great deal this past autumn about psychopaths and sociopaths. It sounds to me like these are the people you're describing. And, you put it well, that we are being held hostage to their behavior. In fact, I'll go further to suggest that psychopaths are the result of interbreeding with a reptilian race that is currently pretty much in charge of this planet. The 4-5% of humans that are psychopathic, truly canNOT feel remorse for harm done or empathy for the pain of others. It isn't just that they choose not to - they cannot. They lack the neural pathways in the brain to allow this thought pattern. I suspect this lack of remorse or empathy is indicative of beings that have chosen negative density worlds, and is part of their attempt to turn this world toward negative density. But, I'm still only in Book One of the Ra Material, so I might find this idea either completely supported or totally discredited.
I also wanted to comment on one thing you said:
"I also think the harvesting process will take a lot of the burden off of the rest of society which is now so tied up in dealing with the minority of people who, not only persist in violent thinking, but have the means to carry it out on a global scale. Most people are ready to move on, but they have been held hostage to behaviors which are not only incongruent with, but antithetical to, a spiritually evolved society. This is not mere sin, but iniquity. (Just to throw in a Christian term)"
I've been learning a great deal this past autumn about psychopaths and sociopaths. It sounds to me like these are the people you're describing. And, you put it well, that we are being held hostage to their behavior. In fact, I'll go further to suggest that psychopaths are the result of interbreeding with a reptilian race that is currently pretty much in charge of this planet. The 4-5% of humans that are psychopathic, truly canNOT feel remorse for harm done or empathy for the pain of others. It isn't just that they choose not to - they cannot. They lack the neural pathways in the brain to allow this thought pattern. I suspect this lack of remorse or empathy is indicative of beings that have chosen negative density worlds, and is part of their attempt to turn this world toward negative density. But, I'm still only in Book One of the Ra Material, so I might find this idea either completely supported or totally discredited.