01-05-2012, 01:55 PM
(01-04-2012, 04:15 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: What would you say it means to be a slave? I have been framing it in terms of forced response, which would appear to be by definition a violation of free will.
In Ra terms, enslavement means STSers using guile to get people to follow them. They convince their minions that they have Power and Truth and will share it.
The best current example is how the kleptocratic Kim family has control of North Korea. After Kim Jong Il died, thousands of his people were weeping and gnashing teeth over his death, even though they depend on China and South Korea for enough food to eat. They are willing slaves, just as Soviet Communists enslaved themselves to Stalin.
Of course, Stalin and Kim would be brutal to any who tried to be free, but still huge majorities went along from "love," not fear.