12-25-2011, 09:33 PM
(12-25-2011, 10:26 AM)Oldern Wrote: If you want to be "positive", you cannot allow yourself to see the world and see your friends in such light that you described in the OP.
Love yourself. Love them. Allow yourself to "get wasted" once, as that allows you to connect deeper with them. Yeah, you might be doing something bad to your body, but you can correct that. It is alright to be flawed sometimes, I think.
Also, yes. The whole world will wake up. Not everyone will at the same time, though. That should not bother you at all. Just be thankful if you feel that you are awakened - but if you TRULY are awakened, or close to it, the only thing you would give to those friends is pure love, not concerns and definitely not a judgement over how they choose to waste their shells.
But: at the end of the day even that does not matter. Since time is just an illusion, we have already awakened. Yes, each and every one of us. We are just too caught up in our own nets to realize it.
Perhaps I wrote my post in a wrong way because I totally agree with what you just said. I am not judging my friends for I to was the same before I woke up. Since discovering the Law of One I accept the way people are and want to behave and I still love them. I am in no way condoning what my friends ends are doing although as I read over the post it does seem that way. But yes I have come to the point where I have love for all individuals and respect their free will to choose their path and what to do with their life, thus it is completely up to them if they want to be behave the way they do. What I was saying was will they ever awaken, because I do feel sorry for them, for not knowing this information. I think it would change their lives forever as it did mine.
Again I am not judging my friends it is their free will and I respect that, I was just simply asking do people think that people even like this, will awaken at some point in their lives. Peace