12-25-2011, 10:37 AM
SO, here is another thought I had, which makes sense to me from a Ra material PoV if this world is indeed now in the 4th D-STS as seems very probable due to the energies of the people here.
This is my view of how to propel yourself into a mostly STO oriented world-line and maintain what you have learned here as a STS-Candidate entity, which is where this world is heading, and i believe you all can sense it. My personal PoV is that it is time to get ready to evacuate this world before it does the Atlantis.
3 ways to operate in a STS candidate world.png (Size: 61.95 KB / Downloads: 9)
PS(EDIT): Even though i say STS core and STO edge, it works in both ways in this world funnily enough, depending how YOU observe it, as the reader. From your POV if you focus on the outer layer, it will be STS core and STO shell, if you focus on the inner level it will be STO core and STS shell. That it works as a 2 point fractal with itself in a 4 way chart means that is very likely true from a logical PoV.
That is to say, if both models are ways to accomplish the same aim of survival in a STS world then both ways work. What matters then, is that you have positive energy and that you intentionally use the negative portions of yourself (selfish) to increase your overall positivity is the key. I would personally prefer a STS shield and a STO core until others open the STO to me at which point i will repricote in kind, as a purely STO outer and STS core will mean that when others want they can take your energy for their needs. So that your STo then serves another persons STS. And as all STS are linked by harmonic vibration. Openly and without restraint love for all people will always result in an outcome i na STS-candidate world where you will turn to STS yourself too, unles syou have a core =)
This is my view of how to propel yourself into a mostly STO oriented world-line and maintain what you have learned here as a STS-Candidate entity, which is where this world is heading, and i believe you all can sense it. My personal PoV is that it is time to get ready to evacuate this world before it does the Atlantis.
3 ways to operate in a STS candidate world.png (Size: 61.95 KB / Downloads: 9)
PS(EDIT): Even though i say STS core and STO edge, it works in both ways in this world funnily enough, depending how YOU observe it, as the reader. From your POV if you focus on the outer layer, it will be STS core and STO shell, if you focus on the inner level it will be STO core and STS shell. That it works as a 2 point fractal with itself in a 4 way chart means that is very likely true from a logical PoV.
That is to say, if both models are ways to accomplish the same aim of survival in a STS world then both ways work. What matters then, is that you have positive energy and that you intentionally use the negative portions of yourself (selfish) to increase your overall positivity is the key. I would personally prefer a STS shield and a STO core until others open the STO to me at which point i will repricote in kind, as a purely STO outer and STS core will mean that when others want they can take your energy for their needs. So that your STo then serves another persons STS. And as all STS are linked by harmonic vibration. Openly and without restraint love for all people will always result in an outcome i na STS-candidate world where you will turn to STS yourself too, unles syou have a core =)