12-17-2011, 01:05 AM
The most "Out in the Open" example of this, in my experience, is the RNC / Republican Logo (Elephant Icon), the 3 Stars used to point UP and now they point DOWN. I'm not sure when exactly this changed, under Bush Jr. I think? (not sure) Nobody notices this (consciously) until you point it out to them.
If you thought that was "funny as heck", another upside down star example you might enjoy was Hillary Clinton's US Flag. I think she used that as a "Sign" to her "Real" supporters since the Devil Hand sign or whatever it's called has been played out to the Nth degree, although it's been brought back to some degree (see: Michelle Obama's Vogue cover) You can Google "Hillary Clinton upside down star flag", (It was from her 2008 campaign, which I believe she was originally intended to win, but then they realized 20+ years of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton is a little too obvious even for the sleepiest of sleepers)
In regards to your comment about no one noticing this, add it to the list: Hey, Remember when the Sun was Yellow and now it's White? Hey remember when Airplane Contrails lasted a few seconds and now they persist for hours (aka Chemtrails), etc, etc...
The most "Out in the Open" example of this, in my experience, is the RNC / Republican Logo (Elephant Icon), the 3 Stars used to point UP and now they point DOWN. I'm not sure when exactly this changed, under Bush Jr. I think? (not sure) Nobody notices this (consciously) until you point it out to them.
If you thought that was "funny as heck", another upside down star example you might enjoy was Hillary Clinton's US Flag. I think she used that as a "Sign" to her "Real" supporters since the Devil Hand sign or whatever it's called has been played out to the Nth degree, although it's been brought back to some degree (see: Michelle Obama's Vogue cover) You can Google "Hillary Clinton upside down star flag", (It was from her 2008 campaign, which I believe she was originally intended to win, but then they realized 20+ years of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton is a little too obvious even for the sleepiest of sleepers)
In regards to your comment about no one noticing this, add it to the list: Hey, Remember when the Sun was Yellow and now it's White? Hey remember when Airplane Contrails lasted a few seconds and now they persist for hours (aka Chemtrails), etc, etc...