12-12-2011, 02:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2011, 02:42 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(12-11-2011, 07:31 PM)zenmaster Wrote: He's dubious because she works along with these 'greys' which are of the negative persuasion apparently (they have been known to lie). There is some kind of cooperation going on but to what end?
Ah... yes I see. Those greys seem to cause people a lot of discomfort. My understanding is that they are kind of like avatars or biological machines that can be programmed or used by other entities. They don't seem to be able to relate to human emotion very well.
You might really be interested in Dolores Cannon's new book. It really delves into some of these topics and put a new twist on the whole contact/abduction phenomenon. The interesting thing is what she has found with her hypnosis clients when she is able to get past the screen memories. It is kind of tough to put in a nutshell... there is a pretty good preview on Amazon if you were interested in taking a look.
Quote:Have not given this much thought other than 'positive energies'? Negative abhors 'light'. Much of the agenda (including inner-plane) involves influencing development, but when thoughts are no longer hidden things get auto-cleaned apparently.
Yeah I dunno. I thought that part was interesting... I got the idea that removal of negative entities might be outside the scope of what an average person can accomplish from this side. It sounded almost like a petition or request needs to be made... maybe there are entities who specialize in this sort of thing? But beyond that it may actually take a while.
Quote:"There will also be a sharp increase in the short run of negatively oriented or polarized mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes, due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth-density characteristics and third-density self-service orientation.
Well... this is what I have been trying to figure out. I have been kind of assuming that some weird crap that has been going on for years might be due to a negative entity. But lately I am starting to wonder if it is really one of those inner phantom types being fueled by repressed fear. Some fearful memories from when I was very young have been resurfacing which kind of connects to this whole issue...
Quote:Those who remain in fourth density upon this plane will be of the so-called positive orientation."
So-called! LOL. Well, taking that statement at face value leads me to conclude that the process this quote refers to is not yet complete.