(01-14-2009, 10:28 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: It's funny, I seem to get that response a lot
β = Beta = B
a = alpha = a
θ = theta = th
μ = mu = m
i = iota = i
a = alpha = a
i = iota = i
o = omicron = o
ς = sigma = s
So all together it's Bathmiaios, which means (I hope!) step by step.
Thanks for that. You may find it funny or perhaps candid, but I found myself pronouncing it "Bucolic".

Quote:I see why you say that but I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Or perhaps I should say, let's agree that it's a dangling thread
No need for agreement, or disagreement. We are all here to share, learn/teach and teach/learn. I am happy just to be a part of it. Also, please don't take any of my statements as being my view of Eternal truths. They are interpretations and I know they are subject to all the distortions of 3D existence. In reality, the most any of us can do is look into the mirror darkly, and I'm certain that even my most strongly held beliefs are but pale reflections of their associated Eternal truths.
Quote:Really, though, it's a moot point. Perhaps the entities would have ceased to exist or maybe just one incarnation's experiences would have been lost. Either way it's pretty bad and we can be grateful to Ra that they intervened, and we can also take their implied suggestion to "attempt feelings of love towards the planetary sphere and comfort and healing of the scars and the imbalances of these actions."
I agree completely, and feel that this is the ultimate lesson in the story.
Love and Light,
3D Sunset