12-10-2011, 03:49 PM
(12-10-2011, 10:32 AM)Cyan Wrote: "I am unsure if I am 1st level or 6th level. STO, or STS, but all I do know for sure is that when I focus my willpower on one of these bipeds walking around and grunting at one another, they usually say they feel better, and most people who are angry at me for any reason, are angry at me for not focusing on them more. And it fills me with all kinds of emotions."
Welcome back, Cyan. I don't recognize you from before, but the quote above suggests to me that you had dabbled with STS and now are looking to become in service to others. In any case, I hope that you stay around as long as you wish and receive as well as give good help.
Please fear not.