Questioner Wrote:Worse case scenario is that you miss the upcoming Harvest, because Harvest would be uncomfortable for you and more than you are ready for now. In that case, you would simply repeat the present cycle, giving you further opportunities to evolve in whatever direction you choose. If you later realize you would prefer to make a different choice, you can do so at any time.When I said I was "entering the game late" I was actually referring to my entering this particular thread discussion.

lavazza Wrote:Thanks to you as well for posting! And welcome to the forum if I haven't welcomed you already. I appreciate the offering of your perspectives, you seem to have an innate ability to see all things from the standpoint of oneness. Once you do that the whole STO / STS concept seems a bit transient, no?Yes, this is quite true. Over the past several years, this ability/perspective seems to have awakened in me, although from my viewpoint now, I can see how my previous realizations and awakenings have built up to this (and continue to build). Pain, as well, becomes more transient, which can provide great relief. I feel hypocritical at times, because I haven't relly experienced great pain within this lifetime (never broken a bone, never lost a loved one), but I feel that pain and I hold a great history together, which lends to me understandings which many find difficult to grasp on this plane. It is a humbling thought, that our "talents" and "wisdoms" in this lifetime are probably the result of entire other lifetimes spent learning those things, sometimes one at a time.
pphuck Wrote:In that last sentence; did you mean 'STS'?sylverone Wrote:I'm not sure I understand your question, at least not from the Law of One perspective that entities in 3d are not separate from the Creator. What Ra says is that the perception of most 3d entities living on the planet Earth is that there is a separation; caused by what Ra calls a veil - not that there is an actual separation.pphuck Wrote:Seeing as STS's are seeking separation of themselves from the Creator, and STO's are seeking unity with the Creator, there are for sure tangible differences between getting rid of the STS or getting rid of the STO bias when going through 6d. STO's are already "on the path", whereas STS's are not.Why seek separation when we are already separate? Why not conquer/assimilate/program all "others", in a form of unbalanced unity? Perhaps it is certain inherant flaws of this notion that requisite the need to eventually become STO?
Out of this perspective, then, what I suggest that the STO path is about is a separation from this unity with the Creator.
I understood your suggestion, and my question was hypothetical. I was meaning to suggest that STS beings tend to perceive things from a perspective of separation. That is, the STS being might already perceive all else as seperate; so, rather than seeking to seperate from that which they already perceive as "other", might seek to conquer or assimilate. Even though the STS entity may know *of* ar *about* Unity, and the evidence of it, doesn't the STS path seem to center around a certain denial of it?
Perhaps this is why STS supposedly cannot approach Unity beyond a certain point; because, to do so they must admit that true Unity actually exists, and the aviodance of this realization/admittance is central to the STS path.
I guess a simpler way for me to say this is that the STS path centers around maintaining seperation rather than causing it. A denial of love, which is the understanding of unity. I feel I may have missed something, however...
pphuck Wrote:I'm not so sure that unity with the Creator is the only way out of this octave of densities.Interesting thought! I'm surprised I hadn't considered this further... Mostly I have focused on the two extremes; Unity through unification with the infinite, and Unity through dissolution into the infinitely small.
I have considered the following possibility; what if a being became so strongly STS that their "black-hole" nature led them to an ultimate expression of seperation; an "existential suicide" of sorts, in which they reached a critical mass and collapsed under it (by their own conscious choice). I don't know if this would be connected to the literal formation of black holes, but I find it poetic in a sense; that the ultimate expression of service to self may be simply to cease to exist in any outward expression, and deny the universe the experience of your beingness any further.
Also, another note concerning earlier information. There seemed to be some confusion about this quote from Ra:
Ra Wrote:To attain fifty-one percent dedication to the welfare of other-selves is as difficult as attaining a grade of five percent dedication to otherselves.Allow me to hopefully clear any confusion that still remains on this issue. 5% dedication to otherselves would mean that an entity was 95% STS, and therefore polarized enough to "graduate". So Ra appears to simply be saying that it is equally difficult to attain harvestability toward either polarity.