11-05-2009, 05:26 AM
lavazza Wrote:how do we remember to react better to catalyst over the course of various lives, if we always go back to 'default settings' so to speak, when we're born? Surely something is remembered, else we couldn't do a better job next time.This is my current tentative model concerning this:
As several have said, the knowledge gained from each learning experience is embodied by us, and adds to the substance of our being. When we come into a new life, our essence contains on some level the substance of all of our learning up until this incarnation. Certain aspects of our past knowledge tend to 'awaken' in use when we encounter certain (internal or external) catalysts, and over time as we mature into our new 'habitation'. That may explain why deep insights can occasionally come to a person without any obvious catalyst; we are simply remembering something from our "past" incarnations that may be valuable in this one. I think this could also explain to some degree where some of our talents/weaknesses come from; our talents may be (in some cases) the rewards/gifts of our other incarnations (on this world or others or elsewhere). For instance, if I had been deeply involved with learning/understanding music in another life, either as a musician, or in some other form, I might find that in this life I have certain amount of musical talent.
I am not sure of any of this, however. These are simply ideas which have formed in my mind over time, but as of yet I have no conscious experience with which to verify them. I hope they are helpful.