On the subject of the vegan proselytizer earlier in the thread (post #187):
Others in this thread have expressed their belief that plants have awareness, spirits, etc. From there, it is not much of a leap to say that plants experience fear and pain. Taking this into account, why would the killing/eating of 2D animals be any more or less destructive than the killing/eating of 2D plants?
Does PandaB believe that plants are worth less than animals and thus can be ripped from the ground or cut down without the same negative karma? I am genuinely curious as this seems to be a doublestandard to me.
For the record, I'm an omnivore and eat whatever I feel like eating (with some attention to fat/cholesterol/perservative content). I'm inclined to resist the type of dogmatic preaching done by PandaB back in post #187.
IMHO, the message of "eat plants only or you will destroy the earth" does not resonate with the Law of One.
On the subject of 2012 speculation, my current thought is that we may have been on a path towards epic earth change destruction at one time. The channelers and remote viewer-types were seeing that possible future back in the 90's and getting on Art Bell to scare everyone into hoarding MRE's and finding their "safe zone" in preparation for the imminent pole shift/asteroid hit/coronal mass ejection extinction level event.
But we have collectively changed that path I think towards one of a much less destructive transition. Ra said the transition could be 100-700 years because the actual time period was up to us and how fast we got with the program.
Ra also said that in order to move to 4D, the physical 3D body must die. (Ra seemed to think this was no biggy... easy for Ra to say, right?) So we know that in order to graduate, we have to first physically die. Now the question becomes, will we die of the same stuff we die of now (cancer, heart attack, car wrecks, plane crashes, wars, etc)? Or will we all die instantly at the same time because of something we cannot foresee like an energetic event which we have no frame of reference for?
If you subscribe to the idea of ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis, then there is precedent for massive global upheaval wiping out large populations.
So, I'm still torn between the Big Event and the Gradual Change camps. I can see both existing together and some combination of the two occurring. Although, admittedly, the Big Event definitely makes for more entertaining reading - especially as offered up by David Wilcock with the government/black-ops secrecy, alien looking glass technology, alien humans from 47,000 and 52,000 years in the future coming back to our time, etc. Great stuff! (Hey, I think the TV show "V" starts tonight!)
Others in this thread have expressed their belief that plants have awareness, spirits, etc. From there, it is not much of a leap to say that plants experience fear and pain. Taking this into account, why would the killing/eating of 2D animals be any more or less destructive than the killing/eating of 2D plants?
Does PandaB believe that plants are worth less than animals and thus can be ripped from the ground or cut down without the same negative karma? I am genuinely curious as this seems to be a doublestandard to me.
For the record, I'm an omnivore and eat whatever I feel like eating (with some attention to fat/cholesterol/perservative content). I'm inclined to resist the type of dogmatic preaching done by PandaB back in post #187.
IMHO, the message of "eat plants only or you will destroy the earth" does not resonate with the Law of One.
On the subject of 2012 speculation, my current thought is that we may have been on a path towards epic earth change destruction at one time. The channelers and remote viewer-types were seeing that possible future back in the 90's and getting on Art Bell to scare everyone into hoarding MRE's and finding their "safe zone" in preparation for the imminent pole shift/asteroid hit/coronal mass ejection extinction level event.
But we have collectively changed that path I think towards one of a much less destructive transition. Ra said the transition could be 100-700 years because the actual time period was up to us and how fast we got with the program.
Ra also said that in order to move to 4D, the physical 3D body must die. (Ra seemed to think this was no biggy... easy for Ra to say, right?) So we know that in order to graduate, we have to first physically die. Now the question becomes, will we die of the same stuff we die of now (cancer, heart attack, car wrecks, plane crashes, wars, etc)? Or will we all die instantly at the same time because of something we cannot foresee like an energetic event which we have no frame of reference for?
If you subscribe to the idea of ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis, then there is precedent for massive global upheaval wiping out large populations.
So, I'm still torn between the Big Event and the Gradual Change camps. I can see both existing together and some combination of the two occurring. Although, admittedly, the Big Event definitely makes for more entertaining reading - especially as offered up by David Wilcock with the government/black-ops secrecy, alien looking glass technology, alien humans from 47,000 and 52,000 years in the future coming back to our time, etc. Great stuff! (Hey, I think the TV show "V" starts tonight!)