12-02-2011, 12:13 PM
Ankh Wrote:Do you think that it's useful to contact a specific Social Memory Complex, instead of just addressing Confederation with a purpose and request of help/service that you need help with? Because you know how it works with vibration, that attracts another vibration, and what if vibrations do not match, and Ra cannot answer that particular call?
Such a more balanced perspective you have. Thank you...
On the other hand, I think I love Ra so much that our vibrations are always compatible.
Ankh Wrote:Do you mean an incarnated human being that you know is of Ra, or what "person" do you mean?
I did indeed mean an incarnated human being.
godwide_void Wrote:Gemini, Aaron, thank you for posting your experiences! That's so awesome you guys communicated with Ra. How were you guys able to discern that it was indeed Ra that contacted you both? Were they one-time contacts or several? What did they say?
There's a vibrational signature that comes with their presence (as with any entity), and once you know that vibration, you know them.
The only experience I had was the one I outlined above. Communication was from Self to self, beyond the need for words, for saying.