(10-31-2009, 02:05 PM)peregrine Wrote: The ideological content of this material has been central to the construct of my sense of the world--and beyond--for many years. Had it all been received while tripping, well, I might'ave had feelings about that, shall we say.
That's a reasonable concern. Perhaps what is being suggested by some of us here is that maybe there has been a bit of 'jumping to conclusions' in assuming that an occasional acid trip meant that the entire series was channeled while under the influence.
As one who has tripped (5 times, 30 years ago), I can attest that it's pretty much impossible to talk while tripping, much less talk coherently for a solid hour! Much less to make any sense...

So, any concerns about the sessions taking place while tripping can be easily alleviated by just asking anyone who's ever tripped...Talking calmly and slowly and coherently for a solid hour? Nah...not possible, as far as I know!
(10-31-2009, 02:05 PM)peregrine Wrote: Seriously, it just would not compute that so much care had gone in to making the contact and preserving it only to risk it by continued drug use.
Yeah, that would have been rather counterproductive.
(10-31-2009, 02:05 PM)peregrine Wrote: I'm happy to now know that the extent of the LSD use was not significant (2 trips). Of course, I'll read Book V for myself...not that I'm some kind of skeptic or anything...
You will find references to Carla's 2 acid trips on pages 32-33, 38-40, 48-50 and 66.
(10-31-2009, 02:42 PM)peregrine Wrote: I am honestly sorry if I aggravated anyone with my urgency. If it leads anyone to suspect that my polarization could be of a suspect nature, rest assured, it certainly has been...but not since I've been alive in this form...uh...at least not a lot more that anyone else I know.
Oh yes you are a suspect now!...anytime anyone freaks out around here, we know they're STS!
Just kidding!!!

Seriously, we're all just a bit protective about our dear, beloved Carla! We didn't want anyone erroneously thinking she was a hardcore druggie!