11-26-2011, 11:05 PM
The mention of "hearing" it sparked my interest. I had a direct communication with something identifying itself as "with" elenin. I had others check that I was actually in communication and not just going nuts. Also, the disintegration mention was interesting, as it was posted in early August, before it "disintegrated".. And I have seen images of the sun with, I think it was 5 objects around the sun, very near it.
Quote:Go into detail about a few of these surprises
No doom from elenin. its not a comet, or not totally just a comet.
So why are you telling us this? What can we benefit from what you know? Just tell us what you obviously want to tell, but are afraid to
go look up e class asteroids. also look up the ESA's rosetta mission to steins. where magically the high res cameras just happened to fail. and there is your answer. sorry i can't be more direct. but this one is a bit more operational and is talking. someone savvy will be able to 'hear' it pretty soon. there will be no denying that history isn't what we've been told. but much more interesting. no doom. just something pretty neat coming. i have said enough.
so what are you talking about happening like first contact or something like that?
as far as elenin, i just hope we have some ham radio operators out there who can listen to to it. we need to learn about ourselves and our heritage. elenin may help with this.
OP, this crop circle represents the interception of Elenin by an antimatter weapon orbiting the Sun. It will depolarise Elenin's EM field represented by the small rocked thunderbolt at the tip of Apophis head and render the asteroid benin against Earth's EM field. I doubt the Navy Space Command has such a powerfull device to fulfill the work.
[link to www.cropcircleconnector.com]
[link to www.cropcircleconnector.com]
if it is destroyed, that would be a travesty. there are some out there who could do this. i just hope whoever is making the crop circles is wrong about this one. elenin has been given a lot of doom and gloom press.
it is quite the opposite. a beacon of hope and a glimpse into the past. a glimpse into who we really are perhaps, from all the clues that have been gathered. our guys are going wild like school children on xmas eve when it comes to this thing. i'd love to go back myself.